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Wednesday, April 13, 2011


How can I more perfectly live my life that I may through patience gain better understanding?

What knowledge am I applying day by day?

What am I doing that brings the knowledge and understanding of my next step?

Through patience I learn to know myself

to measure and test my ideals

use faith

and seek understanding through virtue.

Patience puts all the virtues /spiritual attributes into action.

Do I have a constant, prayerful attitude for a purposeful life?

[inspired by Mark Thurston's EXPERIMENTS IN A SEARCH FOR GOD]

7-1: How am I responding within myself to things going on around me?

Each day before I go to bed I take a few minutes to think back over my day and write down responses I had to events of the day that I did not express or allow to show.

Example: When Jane made that remark this morning,

it hurt my feelings and I felt angry,

but I didn't let it show.

I indicate which of my responses were in accord with my ideals.

I make an effort during the week to respond in ways consistent with my ideals.

7-2: What affirmation can I use in my daily life whenever I confront a frustrating or painful situation so that I can respond with patience and love?

Example: "Everything happening around me is the past.

What's happening now is the way I choose to respond."

7-3: What's an aspect of my life that involves one of these three points:

1) overdoing something

2) feeling rushed

3) being impatiently concerned about another person?

I work each day for a week on replacing my impatience with a new sense of patience that comes from affirming the continuity of my life as a soul.

At the end of the day I make notes in my journal about how I did with recognizing my timeless nature in this part of my life.

7-4: At the end of the day I ask myself:

What's one experience from this day that,

at the time it happened,

was confusing frustrating

/difficult for me to deal with?

I write it down.

Then I have a moment of quiet to center myself

and get in touch with my real self.

I listen for an answer as to the purpose for my having that particular situation and write down my understanding of that purpose.


situation: I ran out of money at the store.

I had to borrow money from a friend and I was somewhat embarrassed.

purpose: I needed to remember that I need the love and help of others

and they need mine.

7-5: What's one area of my life in which I would like to experience greater patience?

Each day I try to reflect the potential for wholeness that already exists.

Example: I am not positive.

I am also active in my patience (in deed and thought).

If I find myself falling into being only persistent,

I take time to review my ideals for this area of my life

and re-orient myself to active patience.

I journal my experiences.

7-7: How do I experience living in the eternal now?

Do I focus on acting in the highest spirit that I know?

What if tomorrow I will meet Creator/Great Spirit face to face?

Will S/He know me?

Will S/He recognize me?

This day am I turning my focus to the spirit in which I am working?

to the presence of the Divine in the now?

7-8: How am I affirming the uniqueness of every soul's approach to God?

Do I use a part of my daily prayer and meditation period to move my consciousness from impatience to patience with others?

Do I seek to overcome any sense of self-righteousness within myself?

1) When I feel impatient with someone else I say silently to myself,

"What have we here?"

and allow myself to draw back,

re-examine the situation

and experience greater patience.

2) Whenever others become impatient with me

and I feel myself picking up their feelings

and becoming impatient myself,

I say aloud, "What have we here?"

I notice any effect it has on others

as well as the effect it has on me.

SUSAN: A God of patience
gives constant love.

Help me always to be
patient and available

Help me always to be

patient and available

to make my choice

Help me always to be

patient and available

to make my choice

to do the next right/good thing.

[inspired by Judy Hall's


Iolite is a vision stone that stimululates

inner knowing.

The aura is the energy field

that surrounds a person.

Some people can see it

as colors.

Iolite helps clear thought forms

and reenergizes the auric field

and aligns the aura.

It helps me express my true self

freeing me from the expectations

of those around me.

This stone releases causes of

addiction and codependency

and helps bring harmony into

the discord in relationships.

[inspired by Melody's


Iolite enables me to enjoy each moment

and to awaken to the inner knowledge

which is so patently awaiting access.

This mineral helps me change "painlessly"

toward spiritual growth.

It balances the male/female aspects

of my character

bringing harmony

within myself

and eliminating dissonance and disruption

in my relationships.

The energy of iolite

helps me to release

discord from my life,

allowing for progression

toward the perfection

which may be obtained

in this world

and the next.

[inspired by Jane Hightower's


Fear not, with knowing comes freedom.

Spiritually, iolite enhances and

supports me by giving me

access to inner knowledge.

In SEARCH FOR GOD Cayce said,

"Patience is the chief cornerstone

of soul development. It is, moreover,

the watch set at the gateway leading

from the physical body to the soul.

With it we not only meet

the weaknesses of ourselves,

but are able to estimate the strength

found in developing various attributes

of the soul- love, faith and hope.

What we are

what we have been

and what we intend to be

are shown more in the patience

we exhibit than through

any other virtue."

SUSAN: How can I practice patience

in more and more

of my daily activities

with others?

and myself?

Where can I look for ways

to practice patience

so I can come to deeper understanding

and apply the virtues I say I believe in

to do the tasks I find in my hands to do?

How can I WALK MY TALK more mindfully?

DOING what I truly believe in,


to my daily life, these are the threads

I pick up to weave into the very fabric

of my being. Picking up the thread of PATIENCE

and weaving it into what I think and say and

do helps me create my part

in harmony with the grand design.

Here a little, there a little,

line upon line, precept upon precept,

is how I build myself up as a strong

vessel or container to hold spirit.

In this way I become a Vessel of Love

and all of the other good ju-ju stuff

I believe in.

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