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Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Year 2011 Is Almost Here

I gave my daughter an unusual handmade Christmas gift this year.
I wrote questions on the part you pull off an Always maxi pad.
Since her name is Sarah-Star and the papers for the night time
maxi pads have stars on them
it seemed like the perfect medium.
I took the words/phrases I have selected for my spiritual focus
for each new year since 1995 and turned them into questions.
I would like to share them with you now in the hopes spirit may
move me to find my focus for the coming new year.
[Note: I switch between using "YOU" and "I"
so you can read these questions either way.
Read them in the way that makes you feel most
like answering them.]
1- What is your Personal Legend?
2- What will you have in your life
this day?
this year?
3- What whimsical art do you intend to create?
4- What quotes can you collect from books today?
5- Can you surrender today?
6- What will you write in your Book of Days for today?
7- What do you desire to change in your life?
8- How can you be inspiration with joyous delight?
9- How can you celebrate oneness with all life today?
10- How can you be in Dharmic Service of others
for the Highest Good of all beings today?
11- How can you search for spiritual truths, inspiration
and new ways of being?
12- Where can you find Revelations of Truth this day?
13- How are you living with Thanks-giving
or an attitude of giving?
14- How are you weaving the Divine
into the earthy-earth
or the mundane?
15- How are you using your creative spirit
to celebrate your Indwelling Light?
16- What guides you to be mindful today?
17- What will your work in the world be?
18- What are you preparing the way for?
19- How are you being joyful with joyous delight this day?
20- How can you give Love, grace and gratitude
with joyous delight?
21- What mystic truths can you reveal to the world?
22- Where are you on your sacred journey today?
23- How do you nurture and nourish your creativity?
24- What different parts of your brain
can you develop?
25- How are you radiant with all of the good ju-ju stuff
you believe?
26- What are your hopes for the planet?
27- What do you feel devotional about today?
28- What wonder-ment can you find in the world today?
29- What can you do today to give helpfulness
and hopefulness to someone?
30- What amazing grace can you discover today?
31- How can I live intentionally today?
32- What lively muses can I connect with today?
33- Who can I connect with as my spiritual companion today?
34- In your mind's eye what do you see as reality
for your Highest Good
and the Highest Good of all?
35- Do you have the courage to pick yourself up from your
Woe is me! Poor Pitiful Pearl place?
36- What in-stances do you notice this day?
37- What is your response-ability today?
38- How are you connected to
the Powers That Be?
39- How can you focus on the spirit of God
at the core of your being?
40- How can you live in gratitude this day?
41- How can you help others wake up
to their empowerment today?
42- How can you feel oneness with Source today?
43- How can you help others feel
at-one-ment today?
44- What trick can you use to unlock
your creative spirit today?
45- What is my Creative Manifesto?
46- How can I visually chronicle
this day of my life?
47- What can I do to give my spirit wings today?
48- How can I visually go deeper than words?
49- What soul collage can I create today?
[see: http://www.soulcollage.com/ ]
50- What is truly possible in this moment now?
51- What revelations can you find today?
52- What joyful doingness can you find to do this day?
53- How can I journal for joy today?
[see: http://noticingwithjoycechapman.blogspot.com/ ]
54- How can I expand my creativity today?
55- How are you connecting
or attuning yourself with
Creative Force Source
/the Powers That Be
56- What awe-inspiration can you find
in nature today?
57- How do you live "everyday is a blessing"?
58- How are you living in joy today?
59- What is the Tarot Path Of Understanding
telling you today?
[see: http://www.gaiantarot.com/ ]
60- What are chakras telling you
about your world today?
[see: www.myss.com/library/chakras/ ]
61- Where in your world can you find
the Tree of Life?
by Rachel Pollack ]
62- How can you let Grace transform you today?
63- What prayer do you have
for the children of the world?
64- How can you find hope
and give hope to others this day?
65- What do you intend to create today?
66- What do you desire to create in your life
this year?

Hmm... I just may use some of these questions
to go along with the FLOWERS/ ESSENTIAL OILS

I invite you to make comments or
share what your new year's resolution process is like...

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