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Sunday, February 27, 2011


What is the spiritual pattern
of my Divine intention?
What directive force do I choose
to guide my thoughts words and
In sacred space, with prayer
and meditation I align
my mind
and spirit
with my soul's purpose.
In The Oneness
I merge my mental and physical
ideals with the spiritual ideals of my soul.
I shine radiant,
a perfect channel,
Spirit in service to others,
uplifting the human beings
in our world family
to Higher Ground.
I feed on inspirations
from the Way Showers like
Kwan Yin
my grandmothers
my grandfathers
a good teacher
a famous person
a character in a book I read
or simple words/phrases I find
that inspire me.
Sometimes I find a catchy phrase
in a song that uplifts me
or a famous quote
or a line of poetry
or sacred words in a Holy Book
to guide me.
Always I will find it in nature
a waterfall
a sunrise/sunset
the sun's dance across the day sky
or the dance of the moon and the stars
across the night sky.
Like patches
chosen to be
in a quilt
the things I focus on
are woven into the design
of my being.
Whatever is true
whatever has beauty
whatever makes my heart sing
I choose.
I choose to weave
into the fabric of my being.
I am always choosing
what guides me
whether I am awake
and choose the stars that guide me
or give my power away
and buy someone
else's map
and simply go where
THEY tell me to go
with my eyes closed
as if I am asleep.
Waking up
I learn to choose
with good intentions.
Gathering my wits about me
I learn to surrender
who I am
to who I am becoming.
At some point
I pass over a rainbow bridge
and find myself walking my path
with heart.
In wisdom I learn
the power of discernment.
Sometimes by trial and error,
always and forever-
I am growing toward the light.
I learn to choose
what nurtures and nourishes me.
I become the responsible gatekeeper
guarding the thoughts that I allow
to come into my mind.
I open myself up to the ...'s
of infinite possibilities.
Either I find myself
in life situations
that burn away what is dross about me
until there are facets of my being
that shine like jewels
or I willingly surrender
to the sacrifice of the fire
the things I need to give up
in order to be
more Divine.
I consecrate
my thoughts
and daily acts
in the foundation
of Truth
that is Divine.
There is one Force Source
it flows through
every living thing
be it
feathered flying
creepy crawly
four legged
or two legged.
[inspired by Judy Hall's
Lapis Lazuli
helps me
find deep inner knowledge
so I can go about harmonizing
my body
and spirit.
Holding lapis
I can become an active listener
with the courage to confront truth
wherever I find it
and accept its teachings.
Where is the source
of energy within me?
What will I choose to create
with the powers of the Force Source
that flow through me?
When I feel Love
tingling in my fingers
and my toes
what next steps do I want to take?
What art do I want to create
with the power flowing through me
to the tasks I have in my hands
to do?
How can I honor my ancestors?
What is the Highest Truth I know?
How can I live that?
How can I act from serenity
with my spirit, mind and body
in balance
so that my thoughts, words and deeds
reflect the Divine
I hold in the bowl of my being?
In Edgar Cayce's work
there is a process
for finding one's ideals.
It can be as simple as
making 3 columns on a piece of paper.
In the first column
What are my spiritual ideals?
What spiritual ideals/qualities
do I want to attain?
What qualities/attributes
are missing
in my life
/in my relationships with others?
In the second column
What are my mental attitudes?
What positive mental attitudes
do I need to develop
to help build the spirit of my ideals
into my relationships
with others
and myself?
In column three
What are my physical activities?
What detailed activities
can I begin doing
in my relationships to specific individuals?
Do my Physical Activities reflect
the Mental Attitudes I am holding
in relationship to my Spiritual Ideals?
Listing multiple activities
I can do to bring my Spiritual Ideals
into the material world
is my map for discovering
what I need to be doing.
This process perfectly reflects Cayce's adage:
Spirit is the life
Mind is the builder
and the Physical is the result.
It is the application of spiritual priciples
into my daily life
that causes me
to walk my path with heart.
Or it can be as abstract
as making a circle
with the Highest Truth I know
as the bull's eye I aim for
in the center of my target
with each pie slice of the circle
-a slice of pie for the love of my life
-a slice for my family
-other slices for friends
-slices for my vocation
/the work I do to make $
to pay for my way in the world
-and for my avocation
/those labors of love and passion
I would do even if nobody paid me
because they are what makes my heart sing
my feet dance.
They keep me in tune with
the rhythms of nature
and the universe.
All pie slices are pointing to the center
the core beliefs that orchestrate my being.
Once I've practiced
doing this process for a while
it becomes easy as pie.
I know the recipe by heart
and it's an easy thing for me to create
in my life.
[inspired by Mark Thurston's
3-1: What do I observe in my life
experiences daily?
As I observe myself
what ideals do I see?
What directions am I going
in various parts of my life?
At the end of each day
when I take a few minutes
to consider my past 24 hours
what experiences stand out
in my mind?
What did I think about
or do in each experience?
What conscious/unconscious
force within myself
might have led me to have
each particular experience?
Experience 1: I got mad at Mr. Simpson
and spoke to him
in a rude and angry way.
Directive Force within me:
I had been holding
resentments toward him
for several things
he has done to me
in the past.
I was unaware how I was
holding these resentments
when the experience
happened today.
Experience 2: I was helpful
and patient with a friend
who stopped by
and was having
some personal problems.
Directive Force within me:
I had had a good meditation
earlier in the day
in which I got in touch with
wanting to be a blessing
to others.
If I can
I will journal
the experiences
I remember each day
trying to write down
what I perceive
as the Directive Forces
within me
for my most memorable
3-2: Each day in my prayer
and meditation
I take time to ask myself
this question:
What qualities make up
the highest awareness
that I would like to have
directing my life?
Each day I jot down
in my journal
or send a text message/ e-mail
to myself/ a trusted friend
the answers that come
to my mind
3-3: In what relationships
would I like to be
expressing my spiritual ideal
more effectively?
I ask myself questions
and journal my answers
for one week.
-What attitudes could I be
holding in my mind
toward this part of my life
that would tend to awaken
a sense of my spiritual ideal?
/what is my mental ideal?
-What activities could I be doing
in this part of my life
/in this relationship
that would tend to awaken
a sense of my spiritual ideal?
/what are my physical ideals?
Each day I make an effort
to express
my mental
and physical ideals
in the relationship
I have chosen.
I journal situations
in which I was able
to do this.
3-4: How can I be aware each day
of the ways in which others
can influence my decisions?
Do I have a tendency
to go along with others
to keep from having to face discord,
even though it may not be
consistent with what
I know is best?
Each day of this week
I will make a special effort
to be sensitive to
the opinions or desires of others
but then I will make
my decisions
based upon my ideals
(even if it means
I stand alone.)
I will journal situations
in which I am able
to make decisions
in this way.
3-5: What is one area of my life
for which I have set ideals?
I will write an affirmation
(preferably just one sentence)
using my own words
or words from another source
that are especially meaningful to me.
I will let my affirmation contain
a statement of the ideals
I want to manifest.
I will memorize the affirmation.
Each day in my relationship with
that person/ area of my life
I use my affirmation whenever
I feel confused/ troubled.
I say the words to myself
and feel their meaning
as a tool to re-orient
my thinking and acting.
Relationship: John
Mental Ideal: trust
Physical Ideal: encourage
and compliment him.
Like myself,
John is a spiritual being,
and I can trust him
and reflect the good in him.
3-6: I choose one of my
mental/physical ideals.
Each day I become aware
asking myself
In what instances
are others able to manifest
that ideal?
If I choose "kindness"
I would look for situations
where others are expressing
As I become aware of
a person expressing the ideal,
I affirm that this quality
is too within me
or I would not have noticed
another manifesting it.
I journal the person's name
and the situation
each time I complete
this experiment.

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