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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

IV FAITH Amethyst

How do I use
my inner spiritual knowledge
of the Creative Forces
to manifest blessings
for myself and others?
When I told my husband
Steve Heath I was writing
about faith he laughed.
He remembered one time
when I asked someone
what Faith was and they
thought I was crazy
until he explained that
I don't 'get it' because
I simply live my faith
all of the time.
2 children's songs
come to mind when
I think about Faith.
(Can you tell I was
a kindergarten teacher
for umpteen years?)
Annie singing:
The sun'll come up tomorrow.
And It's A Small World After All
as heard on the boat ride
in Disney World.
If I had to choose a hymn
the first one that pops
into my mind
comes from a Methodist hymnal:
I come to the garden alone
while the dew is still on the roses
and the voice I hear
falling on my ear
the Son of God discloses
and he walks with me
and he talks with me
and he tells me
I am his own
and the joy we share
as we tarry there
none other has ever known.
Tuesday night I went to chanting
with Jeff who accompanies us
with his singing bowls
and somewhere between
childhood and now
I read Thich Nhat Hanh
and he taught me
about walking meditation.
I'm sure you've had your
own journey in and out of
Stephen from The Farm in Tennessee
said the 11th commandmant is:
You do too know what I mean.
SUSAN: Your faith comes to you
in bits and pieces
and chunks the size of mountains
that take your breath away.
If you were lucky
you started picking it up
when you were a child and
your parents read
happy-forever-after nite-nite
stories to you.
If not you found
'all's right with the world'
from your grandparents
uncles and aunts
good books
and friends.
Maybe you found it
when you read poetry
like Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Whatever is
- is best.
Your Faith may come
from building trust with people
who give you their word
and keep it.
It may begin with fairy tales
and words other people tell you
but it grows
inside your heart
and it becomes the words
you mutter to yourself
inside your head.
Cayce said thoughts
could become
crimes or miracles.
You could mutter a lot of
negative self talk
and say things like:
This whole world is going to hell
in a handbasket. I saw it on the news.
There isn't enough to go around.
> Why don't I ever get
my fair share?
or you could go outside
and look at a flower growing
and the stars in the sky
and say:
if the Powers That Be
made this tulip
or that daffodil
or this daisy
(remember Harold and Maude)
why then
'Ain't deez nice?'
I'm a part of all this.
And if I fall down
and get hurt
my bobo's will be tended to
(more or less)
until I can tend to them
for myself.
Once you understand
there is One Force Source
running through every living thing
and you're part of it
and it's part of you
then you can never settle
for the idea of separation.
I remember the first time the astronauts
took pictures of our earthball
and you could see the land
and the water
but there were no lines
separating Alabama from Georgia
or dividing countries from each other.
Truths will dawn on you
and your Faith will grow
bigger and bigger.
Hillary Clinton said:
It takes a village
to raise a child.
And we get to think about
people all over the world
raising their children
and how we're different
in oh so many ways
but in more and more ways
we are alike.
One time I got irked
at my baby sister
for saying something
I took as racist
(we were not raised thataway)
and I blurted out:
'You just wait til you get to heaven
and discover God is a black woman'
and she didn't miss a beat:
'You just wait til you get there, Susie
and find out God's a baptist!'
What if God
is the exact opposite
of who we long for
Him/Her to be?
What if God is a Buddhist
and a fundamentalist
and a heathen?
Or what if there's a divine spark
in each and every one of us?
Your Faith is just gonna hafta
grow bigger.
In the Bible story
about the Tower of Babel
God made everyone speak a different language.
What if we woke up one morning
and we all spoke the same language
and we didn't need a computer
to translate for us?
What if we all decided to live
by the Golden Rule
and we didn't need laws or jails
or prisons of governments or religion
to make us do good?
What if we all simply lived
from the goodness in our own hearts
and we didn't let nobody
go to sleep hungry
or lonely?
What if we played music
and sang songs
and danced
around the fire
sharing good ju-ju stuff
all the time?
What if characters
didn't hafta have
tragic flaws
to make a good story?
What if we all played our part
and created Heaven on Earth?
That's what faith
is all about.
It's something inside of you
that sez:
'Atta Boy!
/You go Girl!
when you wanna take the next step
and do the next right thing.
One day
we will no longer hafta
feed the hungry
or heal the sick
because everyone
will be fed
and nurtured and nourished
into wellbeing.
All the energy we put into cold wars
and weapons of mass destruction
can be used for something else.
Fear will no longer have us
in its chokehold grip around our throat
and we can begin to speak
always only
in the language of love.
We'll splash bright happy colors
around us
and become as beautiful
as a flower is-
the way we were meant to be.
I'm not saying
there won't be
some hard nuts to crack
to get to this honey in the rock
but I am seeing
more and more people
wake up
and some of us
won't take no for an answer
and we'll just keep living
Yes! Yes! until
really and truly
with the world.
We'll live fearlessly
in a world of love.
We'll take the Native American's
and think of how what we
say and do
will affect our children's children
down to at least 7 generations
from now.
We will be transformed
from who we are now
into new luminous beings
of wit and wisdom.
The computers
may crash, the banks may close
but the way I figure it
when we can no longer
text messages
across the world
if we've dug a groove
deep enough into our brains
we'll simply
start communicating
We'll build
and make the boat
big enough
for everybody to get in.
Cayce said it could all happen
in the twinkling of an eye.
And I have yet to meet anyone
who deep down underneath
didn't really and truly
wanna grow toward the light.
So let us begin building the faith
til it's a strong enough foundation
for this whole new world
to be on.
[inspired by Mark Thurston's
4-1: What is one thing
I wish to experience
greater faith in?
faith in God/Goddess/Great Spirit /the Powers That Be
faith in my own indwelling divine nature
faith in another specific person
Hmm... let me consider:
Where has my rational,
intellectual mind taken me
in this desire?
Perhaps I will find
that this part
of my mind
has led me to
a paradox/confusion,
perhaps I will find
that it has provided
all the right answers
and yet an inner experience of faith
is missing.
I write down whatever it is
my intellect tells me
about this concern
or I text someone
or I go out to lunch
and tell someone about it
or invite a bunch of people
over for potluck
and share it with them.
Now I allow myself
to move beyond just the intellect.
Each day for a week
I will be open for
an experience of faith
in this part of my life.
I pray that I will be given
whatever experience
is best for me at this time.
I listen to the promptings
of my intuitive mind
through my meditations
through my dreams
and by listening to
and feeling my intuitive self
in my daily activities.
I record any of my experiences
that give me a deeper sense
of what it means to live my faith
in this specific area of my life.
I keep it to myself
/share it with someone else
/a small group of cheerleaders
I can find to support me
and allow me opportunities
of grace for me to be cheerleader
for them as they play
their game called Life.
4-2: What steps can I take
to awaken the consciousness
that I am a timeless being
thus growing into
a deeper awareness of faith?
How can I prove that
all that I desire
in spiritual unfoldment
and fulfillment
will come
/is coming
to me?
If I have asked for somethin
with Divine intention*
and find myself doubting/impatient
I use this affirmation
(/another one I have created
in my own words)
to re-orient my mind to faith:
"As a spiritual being,
I am forever.
All I have asked
with Divine intent*
will be fulfilled."
(*Christians may want to substitute
'in Jesus' name' for 'with Divine intent'
Buddhists may substitute 'like Buddha did'
or you could say Kwan Yin/ Krishna
/all tomatoes that turn ripe
by next Monday.
It doesn't matter what you call
the Great Spirit/ Powers That Be
that flows through all of us.)
I journal the situations
in which I am able
to use my affirmation
in a helpful way.
4-3: How can I become aware
each day of instances
in which I feel
a sense
of confidence
(either in
some quality of my own
/in some condition
in the material world
/in some other person)
Can I accept
the good feelings that come
with my sense of confidence?
Can I build upon it
by affirming the source
of this
which is good in me
or my life.
I journal each day the situations
in which I am able
to make this recognition.
4-4: Who is one person with whom
I frequently feel frustrated
/irritated because I don't think
s/he behaves in a way
that would be best for her/his
own growth?
I write down that person's name
and each day for a week
I replace such thoughts & feelings
of frustration/irritation
with an affirmation
that divine forces are active
in that person's life.
God/Great Spirit
does care about that person
and She/He /Divine Power
/Powers That be
will guide her/him in the
experiences s/he needs.
I journal situations in which
I am able to experience
this kind of faith in another person.
4-5: What's a situation
in my life
do I feel needs
greater faith
for me to bridge
the gulf between
my conscious perspective
and a deeper,
more insightful awareness?
I pray at night before sleeping
that I will have dreams
(/dream experiences)
that will lead to
healing any difficulties.
I journal my dreams
I feel have come
in response to my call.
4-6: In what part of my life
do I find myself
desiring an increase?
more free time
more friends
more appreciation from others
Let me ponder
the current conditions
and journal the ways
I am challenged to grow
by these conditions.
Desire: more appreciation from others
1- to know within myself
the things that I am doing
are worthwhile
2- to do things out of love
and not for praise from others.
Each day for the next week
I work with meeting the challenges
offered by my current conditions.
I journal experiences in which
I am able to accept and grow
with what I have right now.
[inspired by Judy Hall's books
How could holding an Amethyst
help me deepen my faith?
Judy hall says: Amethyst promotes
love of the divine
and encourages selflessness
ans spiritual wisdom.
It is an excellent stone for meditation.
Sleeping with Amethyst facilitates
out-of-body experiences,
helps dream recall,
and assists visualization.
It guards against psychic attack
[/malelvolent thoughts/ feelings
toward another person,
whether consciously
/unconsciously directed,
that create disease & disruption
in that person's life]
and transmutes it into love.
A natural tranquilizer
Amethyst blocks geopathic stress
[/earth stress created by
energy disturbance from
underground water
power lines
and ley lines]
and negative environmental energies.
Harmonizing the physical
and emotional bodies
and linking them to the spiritual
it purifies the aura.
Amethyst is helpful for people
about to make the transition
through death
and supports
coming to terms with loss.
This stone has a sobering effect
on overindulgence
and overcomes addictions.
Beneficial to the mind,
it calms or stimulates
as appropriate,
helping people to feel
more focused
assisting assimilation
of new ideas
and connecting cause and effect.
Amethyst enhances memory
and improves motivation.
This stone balances
highs and lows.
Amethyst is an extremely
spiritual and intuitive stone,
that encourages opening
of the brow (third eye)
and crown chakras.
Enhancing spiritual awareness
and connecting to divine love,
it promotes psychic vision
and entry into the higher realms.
It assists in understanding dreams
and facilitates visualization
so that the spirit can communicate
with the mind.
SUSAN: If energy runs inside
of people,
the way I see harmony
is body
and spirit
living in connection
inside of me.
If I met someone
who was having trouble finding their way
on their path with heart
I wouldn't hesitate
to give them Amethyst,
something to hold on to,
while they figure out
who they are and
where they're going.
Old camp song:
"I know where I'm going
and I know who is going with me
I know why there's music
on a quiet summer's morning.
I've found a wealth of gold
and silver have I plenty
I've found a light to guide me
when the way gets dark and stormy"
That's why I am writing
this book
and giving the world
these cards.
There are so many now
in the world
who would create sign posts
and help guide you
along your path with heart.
These aren't happy-ever-after
nite-nite stories.
These are let's sing the world
awake stories.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
in her life transforming book:
wrote about the practice
of building little white crosses
along the roadside
to commemorate
things that have died
in our life.
Some things do die
but then some new things
are born, too.
I had a vision in meditation once
where I went about the world
building little portals
that looked like doorframes without doors
to show everywhere
around us
is a doorway
that can lead us
into sacred space
where we can live
and be
and do things
in a new
and different way.
Here's hoping
you find the courage
to open the door
of your heart
and live
with love,
and laughter.

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