What goodness do I invite
into my life?
What values do I choose
to live by?
Do my expressions
and daily activities
reflect my soul
and the spirit forces
that flow through me
and every other living thing
in an honorable way?
Do I walk my talk
in balance
and harmony?
Do I do things
that make my heart sing?
Do I live in virtue
keeping myself
in tune with Creative Force Source?
How do I express
Creative Force Source
/the Powers That Be
in my physical body
in my mental body
in my spiritual body?
What Ideal of purity
do I use
to guide
my thoughts
and deeds?
What goodness
do I weave into
my daily acts
each day?
How can I weave
the Divine Law of Love
into what I think
how I act
and the way I live?
Do I practice love
and forgiveness
in ways that affect others
so they can catch
the same spirit?
What effects
do my thoughts
and actions
have upon others?
What is my spiritual understanding
of myself
and the Powers That Be
in my world?
How do I use
the soul forces
that have been given
to me?
How do I bring knowledge
into harmony
with my Ideal?
How do I build Virtue
into my mind
and follow the only sure path
to true understanding?
What can I do
to awaken
the power of the Holy Spirit
that has been
in each of us
since the beginning?
How can I let
the Creative Force
flowing through me
be guided
by the Holy Spirit
inside of me?
What is right living?
How can I live
day by day?
Do I honor
the Creative Force
that abides
within my holy temple
of being/ my human body
and in my neighbor's
human body
/holy temple of being?
How can I use
Virtue and Understanding
to meet the daily problems
in my life
that arise within me
as well as
in my relationships
with others?
How must I be
and know
so I can rightly
guide others
who are seeking
bon secour
/safe harbor?
Do I go within myself,
within the holy of holies,
in prayer and meditation,
to be transformed
into the image and likeness
of good?
Do I feed
nurture and nourish
the divine love
that is a living thing
within me?
Do I live with faith
in the purity of self?
faith in the perfection
of my neighbors?
faith in the promises
of Divine goodness?
Have I experienced
of how faith
leads to virtue
and virtue
leads to understanding
and understanding
reveals divine light?
Do I know
that the more
I open my heart
as a channel
of blessings to others
the more power I possess?
Do we know
that the more
we open our hearts
as channels
of blessings to others
the more power we possess?
Keeping the channel
clear, open and ready
to be used
we see the seemingly impossible
begin to take place
and we come to realize
that no weapon
that is formed against us
shall prosper.
What virtues
of divine light
do I express
a divine understanding of?
How am I a channel of blessings
to others?
When they need my love
do I give them help
along their way
to finding bon secour
/safe harbor?
[inspired by Mark Thurston's
5-1: What's one area
of my life
that I have
recently been worried
/especially concerned
about making
things turn out right?
a financial worry
/concern over a specific relationship
For at least a week
I turn this particular
area of my life
over to God/Great Spirit
/the Powers That Be
flowing through me.
I affirm each day
that the Powers That Be
seek to express truth
through this part of my life.
I listen for
and become aware
of the Divine
being active
in shaping my life.
I journal any meaningful experiences
that occur as I work on this experiment.
5-2: In this Aquarian Age
/Age of the Lily/Purity
how can I look
for purity
in my life
and in the lives of others?
I consider purity
is the pure image of my divine nature
that already exists in me
and flowers and trees
and all living things
including other human beings
I meet in my daily life.
I watch for expressions of
the purposefulness of the soul
rather than for situations
where inharmonious
or confusing tendencies
have been minimalized.
I journal my observations.
5-3: What's a spiritual law
that I have rational
knowledge of,
yet have not known
through experience?
I write down that law
in my journal
in as clear
and concise a way
as I can.
Whatever I am willing
to give to others
will come back to me.
Each day for at least a week
I pray for a deeper experience
of the meaning of this law.
I open my life
for the experiences
and awarenesses
that come to me.
I journal any occurrences
that give me
a greater experiential
of this law.
Here are some universal laws
you might want to try on for size
to see if they fit where you are
on your spiritual path with heart.
THE LAW OF ONE: we live in a world where
everything is connected to everything else.
How does everything I do, say, think
and believe affect others and the universe
around me?
in the Universe is energy. Everything
moves, vibrates and travels in circular
patterns. What kinds of vibrations
do I create with my thoughts and
THE LAW OF RHYTHM: everything vibrates
and moves to certain rhythms establishing
seasons, cycles, stages of development and
patterns with regularity. Can I become
like the Masters and learn how to rise
above negative parts of a cycle never
allowing negative things to penetrate
my consciousness?
action has a reaction or consequence
and we "reap what we have sown."
Knowing my choices become my destiny
since "like begets like" do I choose the positive
/negative in my own thoughts, emotions,
relationships and life?
THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: like attracts like.
How can I use positive thoughts, feelings,
words and actions to attract positive
energies into my life?
How often do I choose not to live
by default, simply reacting
but instead co-create by focusing
my attention on what I want to attract?
generates an extremely positive vibration
and connects me with the Divine.
What do I have to be thankful for?
Let me count my blessings.
action there must be a reaction. What
goes around comes around. In what
ways can I abundantly give of my
time, kindness, talents and resources?
THE LAW OF INCREASE: the spirit of my
action multiplies the result. What's
my purpose, sincerity and willingness
to apply whatever I want to my thoughts,
words and actions so it will grow and
return to me as the "fruits" of my efforts?
energy never dies it simply transforms.
How can I use the power I have to change
the conditions of my life, letting higher
vibrations consume and transform
lower ones by utilizing my thoughts
and emotions (my energy)?
is on a continuum and has an opposite.
How can I suppress and transform
undesirable thoughts by concentrating
on the opposite? How can I replace
negative beliefs with positive ones?
the principles or laws of physics
that explain the physical world-
energy, light, vibration and motion-
have their corresponding principles
in the etheric/universe. "As above,
so below." "The macrocosm is
contained in the microcosm."
What can I do to bring Heaven
to earth?
THE LAW OF RELATIVITY: is the relationship
of all things understood by the person relating
to it. How can I change my life
by shifting my veiwpoint and changing
my perspective?
Here are some of Edgar Cayce's Universal Laws
as compiled by Bruce Mc Arthur in his
-Like begets like
-As you sow so shall you reap
-The spirit of your actions multiplies the result
-Like attracts like
-Opposites repel
-As you seek you attract and are attracted to
that which will fulfill your search
-As you seek you repel and are repelled by
that which will not fulfill your search
-For every effect there is a cause
-There is nothing by chance
-Nothing happens by chance:
there is a purpose to everything
that happens
-As thought and purpose and aim and desire
are set in motion by minds,
their effect is
as a condition
that is
-Know the truth and the truth shall
make you free
-God is
-As you honor, respect and love
your own individuality,
so you honor, respect and love
the individuality of others
-Your true needs, wants, desires, hopes,
dreams, wishes and their fulfillment
are as important as those of any
other soul in existence
-You must first 'save' yourself
if you would 'save' another
-As you put the God within first
in your life, so you manifest
the God you are
-As you become master of your
inner self, so all things, conditions
and elements become subject to you
-Spirit is the life
mind is the builder
physical is the result
-Life is the experiences of your choices
-Seek the Spirit within
and all things shall be added
you have need of
-Seel first the Spirit within
and you will find
-Ask the Spirit, with faith,
and you will receive
-Knock, with faith in Spirit,
and the door will be opened
-As you believe, so it becomes for you
-Whatever you ask in prayer,
you will receive,
if you have faith
-Love transforms
-True giving manifests love
-As you give so it is measured to you again
-As you give you gain in understanding
SUSAN: Bear with me
while I ask you to explore
some of Edgar Cayce's words
on Universal Laws.
Some people are put off
by the dated language he used.
For me, it's like trying to
struggle to understand
the King James version of the Bible.
As I struggle to understand old timey words
and try to figure out
what the words mean today
I have to look carefully
and ponder deeply.
In doing this
I come to understand them better
and in the Aha's of my discoveries
I find it easy to see ways
I can apply them
into being here now
in my daily life.
If you apply just one universal
/spiritual law to your life
you will feel your life change a little bit.
Once you practice an experiment like this
you will be hungry for more.
Cayce gifted us with A.Y.C.E.
Food for the Soul.
Once you eat it
you will only be satisfied
by living the Highest Truths
you know.
Choose one universal law
apply it in your life
and you will wake up
to being who you are
truly meant to be.
You will use the Powers That Be
inside of you
to co-create
your Divine being.
[You can get Cayce's
and Mark Thurston's
from the ARE Bookstore
and read more about Cayce
Other places you can go to read about
universal/spiritual laws:
It doesn't matter which path you take
to discover spiritual truths.
5-4: What's one principle
that I have been
recommending to others
that they apply?
I write down in my journal
that teaching/principle.
"We must be patient."
/a particular dietary regime.
Each day for at least a week
I make an effort to
1- refrain from telling others
to apply this principle
2- apply it in my own life.
I journal instances
where I am successful
in this work.
5-5: How can I allow others
to do acts of service
and caring
that they offer me
(unless it would result
in the violation
of a principle/ideal I hold)?
I maintain an attitude of openness
to being helped.
I'm careful not to take license
with this experiment
going around asking others
to do things for me.
I journal instances
in which others
are a channel of blessings
to me.
5-6: Am I able to allow
a sense of peace
to fill my life
by being tolerant of others
/of inharmonious patterns
within myself
each day?
I journal situations
in which I am
understanding and tolerant
even when my old way of reacting
might have been
to think unkindly.
5-7: What is an example
from my own life
of an experience of faith
in which I felt
I touched the purity
of the soul?
-a specific meditation experience
-an especially meaningful dream
-an experience of deep love for another person
For at least one or two minutes
each day
I recall this experience
and what I learned from it.
I may want to have
this recall period
at the end of my daily meditation.
I allow the insights
of this experience of faith
to guide my understanding of others
for a week.
I journal my experiences
of seeing the actions of others
with a greater degree of understanding.
experience through faith:
I once had a deep meditation
experience in which I felt how
everything I do is really
an expression of my wanting
greater wholeness.
experiences during this week:
I was able to see the actions of others
who usually irritate me
as manifestations of their desire to be noticed
be loved and feel whole.
5-8: Who is a person
I have trouble loving
Each day for at least a week
I make a special effort
to see good in that person.
I let my thoughts
and actions
express my desire
to relate to
that which is good
in that person.
I journal my experiences.
5-9: What is one life situation
I find myself frequently despising
and wishing I were free from?
I write down in my journal
1- the situation
2- constructive qualities
it challenges me to find within myself
so I can cope with it.
Throughout the week each time
I find myself despising this situation
I say a short prayer of praise to God
/Great Spirit/Divine Mother/Powers That Be
for the opportunity to learn
these constructive qualities.
situation: a physical impairment
that limits my ability to function
constructive qualities challenged to awaken:
trust in others
I almost started this section
with info about Charoite.
Remember? I intuitively chose
these gemstones to go with
each chapter of the SEARCH FOR GOD
books at the ARE Bookstore in
Virginia Beach. I am repeatedly
amazed at how each stone's
meaning ties in with the lessons
to be learned in the SFG chapter
I chose the stone for.
[from Judy Hall's
Teaching you to accept the present
moment as perfect, Charoite assists
in walking your destiny, and
links you to your karma,
revealing the life plan
your soul is working to.
Grounding the spiritual Self
into everyday reality,
it urges service to humanity.
This stone brings insightful visions
of past lives
and suggests ways to redress karma
on a personal and collective level.
Facilitating vibrational change
and links to higher realities
it simultaneously provides
deep physical
and cellular memory healing.
This stone of transformation
overcomes fear,
integrates negative qualities,
and takes back projections,
assisting in coping
with fundamental change.
It masters compulsions
and obsessions
and ameliorates alienation
or frustration,
and is particularly helpful
in cases of scapegoating
or abasement.
Assisting anyone who is driven
by other people's thoughts
rather than their own,
it removes mental attachments.
Charoite facilitates
fast decisions,
perceptive observations
and analysis.
SUSAN: A virtue
or universal/spiritual law
is just words
until you apply living it
in your daily life.
Becoming aware of Universal Laws
wakes you up so you can make
conscious choices about the way
you live your life rather than
only reactive ones.
Once you learn a spiritual truth
you want to gift it as a giveaway
to everyone you meet.
The thing I like the very most
about Cayce's work is the way
he insists upon us applying
the spiritual laws into our daily
When you bring balance
to your mental
and spiritual being
you are able to walk your talk
in harmony
with spiritual laws.
The Divine blueprint
of these laws
is written into the very cells
of your being.
If karma
is a soul record
of all you've done
the grace of right living
by spiritual laws
erases your mistakes
(the times
you've turned
away from the light)
and allows you
to live your Dharma
or life's purpose
gifting your unique,
special talents
in service to others
with love.
As Shawn Honnick expresses it
I will ask myself daily
"How can I serve?"
"How can I help?"
Your name becomes your virtue
when your actions
express your understanding
of spiritual laws.
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