the Living Love
of Creator
in my Fellowship
with the Infinite Source
in ways that
tend the celestial fire
/divine spark
that is within me
and others?
How do I live life in union
with those Creative Forces
that make the songs of the spheres?
Who brought
the Pleiades into being?
set the bands of Orion?
the waters of the deep
that are cast upon
the land?
Who brings
breath into the life
of all creatures?
[In Judy Hall's
she writes:
A Native American legend
says that
Leopardskin Jasper
was created to be a bridge
to the deepest mysteries,
honoring the dark
and assisting you in fulfilling
karmic agreements.
Known as the "Supreme Nurturer"
Jasper sustains and supports
during times of stress
and unifies all aspects of life.
Providing protection,
it absorbs negative energy,
balances yin and yang,
and aligns the physical,
and mental bodies
with the etheric realm.
Bringing the courage
to get to grips
with problems assertively,
and encouraging honesty with oneself,
Jasper imparts determination
to all pursuits
and supports during necessary conflict.
This stone aids quick thinking,
promotes organizational abilities,
and seeing projects through,
and stimulates imagination,
transforming ideas into action.
In addition to these generic
properties of Jasper
Leopard Jasper/Jaguar Stone
cuts off outer vision,
focusing perception.
Mirroring the outside world
back to you,
it clears ingrained assumptions,
aligning you to your life path.
Leopard Jasper fortifies
natural resistance,
maintaining health,
and engenders respect
for native peoples
and their innate wisdom.
NOTE: while writing this
news is being delivered
about the aftermath
of Japan's tsunami
on March 11, 2011
and I was listening
[ ]
host Allan interview with Maria Yraceburu
about Earth Wisdom
with music by Kate Wolf.
That led to a Susun Weed WISE WOMAN WAY
interview with Maria Yraceburu
about Tlish Dlyan
[ ]
and that led to a Susun Weed WISE WOMAN WAY
interview with Lynda Yraceburu
about Body Wisdom.
[ ]
See above where I wrote a quote from Cayce:
the waters of the deep
that are cast upon
the land.
That sounds a bit like
the tsunami being
tossed upon Japan to me.
And the part before this where
one thing leads to another
seems a bit like real life to me.
So while I could keep going on
the path as I started it
reflecting on Cayce SEARCH FOR GOD chapters
& digging up insights on the stones
I intuitively selected to go with each chapter
to share with you
I'll pause here and go off on a side trail.
What is fellowship?
It's feeling comfortable with myself,
at ease in my bones.
It's being open to my connection
with the Divine/the Powers That Be.
It's mindfully tending
to my connections
with every other living being.
In responding to a friend
who was choosing
to see the world as
full of Pain that one needs
to get hardened to
I wrote:
What is pain?
Does pain cause you to grow?
(i.e. crack open your shell
to be a bigger creature?)
Perhaps rather than harden to it-
the message is to soften to it,
to surrender what is no longer useful
on your path with heart.
I think we hafta be sensitive
to be able to feel
either pleasure/pain, don't you?
I for one don't want to be a zombie,
moving through life like the living dead,
nor do I want to be Holier Than Thou,
disconnected from other human beings.
I think while we are here doing our earthwalk
we are spozed to be acting our part
in the play of Life.
In some way I think
the spiritual path simply takes you to
Higher Ground
where you are in this world but not of it.
When you 'get it'
you are not enmeshed in the illusion/maya
-you have transcended that,
don't ya think?
It takes practice
& it sure doesn't seem to be taught
in our civilization process
and I'm not always there
but I do think it's encoded
into the cells of our being
and sooner or later
we all find our way to 'it'.
And when we do we dive in deep
and say:
crack me open
so I can see
the light
in all this darkness.
If we want to be in good fellowship
what we do is we remove our masks
we dare to stand naked before our god
/the Powers That Be.
We remove our masks
in our relationships with others
we reveal our true inner core
and in this way
we join in true fellowship
we connect our divine spark
with the divine spark
we find in every other creation.
Here are some questions
based on
[Mark Thurston's
6-1: What can I do to
awaken fellowship
before each meditation period?
Have a short prayer time
before each meditation.
In prayer I affirm my awareness
of being called by
God to do His work
/Goddess to do Her work
/the Powers That Be to do Their work
/the Power of Love to do Its work.
I express my desire to answer personally
this call in all aspects of my life.
Do I feel the divine Spirit within?
Do I see deep down
in the hearts of my neighbors
there lies buried a celestial fire
that burns before the altar of our God?
Can I love them,
not for what they appear to be,
but for what they really are
because within them there is the Divine
that merits my adoration?
The test is this:
Am I willing to deal with others
as I wish them to deal with me?
Am I eager to sacrifice my desires
my opinions
and my whims
that the wonders found
in the knowledge and understanding
of the works of the Creator,
may be revealed to us?
What is more beautiful than fellowship?
The Master sought it
that He might do the works of God.
He did not withdraw from people,
but mingled with them,
sharing their sorrows,
living their lives ,
and relieving their sufferings.
How easy to follow when we have been told
to use what we have
and more will be given.
The power of God within,
all power in heaven and earth,
is committed to our keeping
if we will attune ourselves
to the Infinite Source
of that power.
It is necessary to begin with ourselves
to purge our hearts and minds
and to become more conscious
of the divine Spirit within others.
This is necessary if we hope
to have fellowship with our Creator
that will cause us to realize
our oneness with Creator.
Prayer and meditation are the essential factors
that will keep alive within us
this perfect harmony.
Let us draw nigh unto God,
approaching often
the Throne of Grace
with mercy in our hearts.
Love is a living thing.
Let us strive to be kind, training ourselves,
to be considerate of those
who do not seem to appreciate it.
Yes, be kind when it is hardest.
One unkind word may not leave
a lifelong pang in the heart of another,
but it will place us so out of harmony
with all that we count worthwhile
that its effects will follow us
perhaps through many years.
Great kindness may be shown
through little deeds.
May we lose no opportunity
to bind up the brokenhearted,
to pour oil on the troubled waters,
/to heed the command:
Comfort ye, comfort ye my people
saith your God.
Let us remember that we shall
give account for every idle thought;
therefore, let us think on those things
that make love for others.
As we develop step by step,
here a little, there a little
we learn cooperation
we get better acquainted with ourselves
trust more fully in our Ideal
have our faith strengthened
gain virtue and understanding
and more and more become aware of
our fellowship with the Divine
and our duty to others.
It is impossible to separate God
from Her/His creations
for S/He manifests through them.
I cannot simply embrace kindness and gentleness
for my friends
but must also love my enemies
>to have in my heart a yearning
for them to know the Way.
That which we think > we become.
That which we are > we reflect.
That which we reflect > others judge us to be.
As we have dealt with our fellow human beings
we may expect to be dealt with.
What cause have we to fear
if we have obeyed the Voice?
We have become as little children
putting our trust in the giver
of all good and perfect gifts,
knowing we will be rewarded
according to goodness and mercy.
Who hath brought the Pleiades into being
/set the bands of Orion
/the waters of the deep that are cast upon the land
/brings breath into the life of all His creatures
and supplies the union with Creative Forces
that makes for the songs of the spheres?
The Lord is His name.
Under the shadow of His wing
there is peace
and no cause for fear.
(Cayce Reading 262-23)
6-2: How can I listen to others?
I don't let myself get caught in being
overly concerned about a particular
approach/technique to listening.
I refrain from thinking of my response
while the other person is still talking.
I may find it helpful to say something like,
"Those were some really important thoughts
you just expressed. Let me think about them
for just a minute before I respond."
I journal instances in which I feel I was
really able to listen.
6-3: Who is someone I hold a pattern
of resentment/irritation toward?
Each day for a week I will work
on letting go of that pattern.
I will stop feeding it and
giving attention to it
when it comes into my mind.
Even though a part of me may enjoy
entertaining it,
I affirm that the reward of knowing
fellowship with God/the Powers That Be
will be a greater experience.
I will journal my experiences of knowing
a greater sense of fellowship in this way.
6-4: How can I take the initiative
in speaking to others
(especially strangers)
and showing my love for all mankind?
I could use Gary Schineller's greeting:
"Hello from my heart."
[see ]
Am I willing to do those things
I know will be helpful,
risking the possibility
that I may not be understood
or appreciated?
I journal my experiences.
6-5: How can I give of my life to someone else?
I select a person and write down her/his name.
Then I choose one of theses three approaches
to giving my life:
1) making a special effort to give of my life energy
to that person through whatever activities are
needed most
2) making a special effort to share with that person
the truths at the center of my life
that I have discovered through experience
3) giving up one of my habits, desires or opinions
that is causing that person difficulty.
I can choose to let go of a habit, desire or opinion
that hinders someone else.
What things of my personality can I lay down
for the sake of others in the spirit of love
and friendship?
I decide which of these approaches I will use
and write that down.
I journal my experiences in giving of my life
to this person.
6-6: What's one difficult relationship
in my life I want to work with?
I work each day to express
a living kind of love
in that relationship.
Through meditation and prayer
I allow the energy
of my states of consciousness
that are less than my ideal
to be transformed.
I affirm in my life
that I am not stuck with the responses
I have been feeling toward this person.
Because I am alive, I can grow.
I journal the experiences in which I
successfully transform energy
associated with old patterns
to new, constructive ways
of responding.
6-7: Who has asked me for prayer?
I take responsibility for the fact that
through my faith-
through my experiencing of the reality
of the spiritual dimension of life-
healing forces can be awakened
that lie dormant in that person.
I use a period at the end of my meditation
to feel my faith having a constructive,
uplifting influence upon this person.
I hold in mind and express this same feeling
in my daily contact with this person.
6-8: Am I willing to take time to be alone
each day for a week?
If possible, I have time each day
when I am alone in the sense of
not being around others
(for example: taking a walk in the woods.)
However, I can experience aloneness
even when I am with others.
This does not mean aloneliness
that makes me feel depressed
or sorry for myself.
Instead it is when I feel a desire
to find fulfillment of my needs
by looking within myself
rather than other people.
I listen to hear the voice
of that within myself
that sustains me
when I cannot sustain myself.
I journal my experiences
in discovering my fellowship
with God/Divine Powers
using this approach.