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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Epiphany Wednesday July 14, 2010

I had an epiphany/realization/insight
when I was masterminding with Dennis,
my mastermind partner, this morning
In the mastermind process we go thru
there is the quote:
"Feeling separated is the root cause
of all unhappiness."

I am feeling separated from Josh.

I long to feel connected again.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that Is the issue. Even knowing that they have started a new grand journey, the unfortunate truth is, that rationale doesn't make it any easier for us to deal with the final separation of their leaving.
    Feed your soul, dear friend, and it can soothe.
    Cayce said "talk to them, they can hear you."
    There's your re-connect.

    with love and empathy,
