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Friday, January 21, 2011

I COOPERATION- Rainbow Moonstone 2

I have often wondered
why Cayce chose COOPERATION
for his first chapter
in his SEARCH FOR GOD books
but having worked with
so many different groups
over the years
I now know why cooperation
had to be first.
Growing up in the southeastern united states
my culture and education
taught me competition.
Good group work comes from
a sense of tribe or family
where one learns to respect
and honor another's truth.
The rainbow moonstone
I selected for this card
expresses feminine energy.
It allows men and women to be
in a receptive state
and balances yin and yang
and brings harmony.
Using Mark Thurston's
as my jumping off place
I rethought and reworded
his experiments for
the COOPERATION chapter
and came up with:
1-1 What I am thinking
is actually creating my life.
At the end of each day
how will I review
my thought patterns?
Am I willing to journal
those I feel
are especially constructive
or helpful
and without a sense of self-condemnation
record those I feel
are not consistent
with my ideals?
This one has the feel of being
a tricky double-edged sword
for me.
While it is easy for me
to put myself in
the other's shoes/moccasins
and learn to imagine
an infinite number of possibilities
for why s/he is thinking
the way they are
it is difficult for me
to look at my own thoughts
in a nonjudgemantal way.
I learn alot about myself
when I take time to journal
both my constructive, helpful
thought patterns
and the ones that aren't very helpful
and may even be destructive.
1-2 Am I willing to learn to be sensitive
to where others are in consciousness?
Without compromising my own ideals
am I willing to speak to others
in their own language?
Can I show concern for the problems
and questions they have
in their own minds
(not so much the questions
I think they ought to be concerned about)?
Am I willing to journal the experiences
in which I am able to be helpful
to someone
by meeting that individual
at his/her own level?
How can I simply be
a good listener?
Asking questions to bring out
another's truth
instead of always rushing in
to tell my own story?
How can I be best supporting
1-3 What is a habit pattern
that is especially characteristic
of my own limited ego self?
I, Susan, pray each day that
my real self wakes up
and grows
so I can let loose
of my involvement
with the patterns
that keep me limited.
How can I cultivate
an attitude of openness
to Divine/Holy healing
for each limiting part
of my life?
At the end of each day
am I willing to journal
any situations during the day
where I experienced
losing any particular
limited sense of myself?
Okay, maybe you're like
my husband Steve
and you don't want to
journal anything.
Then I think it is important
that you find at least one person
(or better yet,
because you'll have more input
and support- a small group)
to witness your encounters
with your own limited ego-self.
Sharing with that person
/those people
opens windows and doors
and expands your horizons.
They can share their own experiences
in dealing with their own limited egos.
It can nurture and nourish
your own growth
to hear their failures and successes.
Sometimes it's hard to see
our own limitations
but trusted friends
can point out directions
we might be interested in
Journaling or sharing with others
helps make us accountable
for actually looking at the ways
we limit ourselves.
If I am stuck in limitation
it may help me
to see other possibilities.
1-4 How can I relate to others
with kindness?
I, (Susan), focus on speaking kindly
(fill in your own name
to make this up close and personal)
I journal those instances where
I am able to replace an impulse
to speak harshly or thoughtlessly
with kind words.
I journal as well,
without a sense of self-condemnation
those instances where
greater kindness than I expressed
would have been helpful.
There are THOSE sticky icky WORDS
again: without a sense of self-condemnation.
I am taking my power back;
removing the pen from St. Peter's hand
@ the pearly gates of heaven
and using it to simply tally up
when I do
and when I don't
speak kindly.
If I journal I can plainly see
when it is easy
for me to speak kindly.
Are there particular people
I find it difficult
to speak kind words to?
Are there certain situatiuons
where it is hard for me
to speak kindly?
Identifying these people
and situations
can help me make changes
remembering the Highest Truth
that the only person I can change
is me
and by changing me
I send out a ripple effect
like tossing a rock into water
that eventually affects
my whole world.
1-5 What new response-ability
can I take for helping
some other person?
Being mindful
not to try to make decisions
for that person
or do things for her/him
that s/he needs to be doing.
Can I take on
a sense of respons-ability
for loving and caring
for/about that person,
even if it may be a burden
If I am not going to be
Ms/Mr Fix It
what new ways can I find to help
other people around me?
1-6 What characteristic or ability
do I feel I have
(like playing music
/listening to others)
that is often able
to serve as a channel
for the expression of
my spiritual ideal?
How can I be sensitive
to those who may
lack this particular
characteristic or ability
and find ways of sharing
this strength
with them?
1-7 As preparation
for the period of silence
in my meditation
let me take about a minute
to recreate in my imagination
some way I have seen
love or harmony manifested
(either by myself
or by another person).
1-8 What kind of world would I like
to come into for my next incarnation?
What are some ways I would like to be
helping to build one quality
of the futuristic world
I imagine right now
even though it may not show fruits
in this lifetime?
How can I work on manifesting
those things I can be doing right now
to make the world a better place
for my children and grandchildren
and the generations to come
or even myself in my next
Between myself
as a conscious, physical being
and the superconscious awareness
of the oneness of all life
there exists my subconscious
or my collection of
my habitual habits of response:
my karma.
Some of the habit patterns
I have built up
are constructive
and consistent with the divine:
/good karma.
However, a lot of my subconcious
memory patterns
are limiting
and self-centered
(like my tendency to play
Poor Pitiful Pearl
Woe is me!
and feel sorry for myself
or any tendency to hold resentments.)
One of the most difficult of all patterns
is the one that says:
"I'm really pretty satisfied
with the way things are
and I don't want to risk change."
My ego clutches onto
this law of inertia
because it knows
if I am in contact
with the divine regularly
I will experience
dramatic changes
in my personality
and life direction.
My old habitual self
will have to die
in order for
my new spiritual self
to be born.
My old, habitual self
can throw up
very resistant barriers
to keep me from losing
my little self
in my big Self
/the Divine.
I COOPERATION- Rainbow Moonstone
How can I express
the Creative Force
within me
in such a way
that my thinking and doing
brings hope
and understanding
into the lives of others
so they may become
channels of blessings?

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