I meditate to find and feel
my connection with
the powers that be
in the universe.
Every breath I take,
every word I speak,
every step I take
is my prayer to God.
I do not see God
as some gradpappy
way up yonder
in the sky.
I believe s/he
is the divine spark
of being
that is in everything-
every tree,
drop of rain,
or ray of sunshine,
every being whether
four legged,
two legged,
or creepy crawly.
Some say there is a silver cord
that runs through
the 7 chakra centers
in our body
connecting us
with the Divine.
I believe it's probably
something similar
to that cord, Divine,
that weaves us each to one another.
Some say there are ley lines
or grids of energy
flowing on our earthball.
One thing I know for sure
is that each person,
or thing
I meet along my path with heart
is energy
and the lines of love
drawn to connect us
help us remember
why we are here
on this earthwalk.
I take food and air into my body.
My body vibrates with energy.
I meditate to wake up
to become conscious.
I know there is a life force
that is spiritual.
Edgar Cayce said:
"The mind is the builder,
the physical the result."
Through meditation
I seek to allow my mind
to function normally
-as the powers that be
I use my will
to ask my mind
in my physical body
to cease its wanderings
and center /focus
on my ideal
-which is revealed
to my higher mind
/ bigger Self.
This ideal becomes the basis
for my activities.
These revelations
found in meditation
lift me to Higher Ground.
I live my life
by the Highest Truths I know.
You, too, can meditate
and find the revelation
of your ideal
to use to guide you
on your path with heart.
Sometimes we have to
empty our hands
so we can knock on the door
between ua and what is holy.
Then our empty hands
will be ready to receive
the abundant blessings
the Divine intends
for us to have.
We go in to find
our life's purpose
and we may come out
carrying a paintbrush
/the words to a book
we want to write
/the song we want
to sing to someone
/the work we want to do.
We walk back through
the door separating
the extraordinary
from the ordinary
full of God's love
and the powers that be
for our neighbors
and ouselves.
Edgar Cayce's book SFG says:
"It's through meditation
that we may become aware
of the existence
of the spiritual forces within,
that we unlock the door
between our physical
and spiritual bodies.
Through this door come
impulses from the soul,
seeking expression
in the physical."
I meditate to become aware of
the spiritual forces within me.
I give up the thoughts or impressions
that seek to limit my soul.
In the mystical, magical
realm of meditation
I open the way to be connected
with my soul's true purpose.
I see right relationship
with the Creator.
Because God
/the powers that be in the universe
breathed the breath of life into me
I possess the power of creation.
(see Reading 281-13)
I image the highest standard
I can imagine.
I intend to serve others.
I am able to enter into
the very presence
of the Creative Force.
I fix my attention
upon the ideal
I want to raise.
In meditation,
I become conscious
of the universal forces.
I enter the silence
to study the forces
through meditation
and introspection
to bring my spirituality
into the experiences
of my life.
In meditation
"as I open myself
to the unseen forces
that surround the throne of grace,
and might
within me
I throw around me
the protection that is found in
the thought of the Divine"
/the Christ
/God/ Goddess
/whomever is my Ideal.
It is when I hold the right ideal
that my problems are solved
and my stumbling blocks
become stepping stones.
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