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Saturday, May 25, 2013


COSMIC COWGIRLS by Susan Daniel on April 23, 2013 at 9:52pm In response to Ti Klinger's STORY OF NO Sometimes I define myself more by my Nos than by my Yeses Yes! I place things on my calendar and TO DO lists that make my heart sing BUT I also leave open empty spaces where I can do Soul Talk with myself in meditation. Into my emptiness can grow my yearnings. Being hungry I can go to get myself fed. Pausing I can see where it is light written that I need to go. I learn which path to follow. Alone for a while ~I can decide to go seek others. With others too much ~I can seek solitude. Face to face with myself I can see the All That Is. Empowered to speak my true no my true yes I can use my discernment weighing carefully what is BEST for me and others. No this won't grow. Yes this will lead me toward the Light. Becoming flexible Bending Melting into the mold that I Creatrix have created for myself I flow perfectly into the vessel that holds my being. Yes! I'll put this into the soup pot. No I'll leave that part out. This I know to be a thing of truth and love and beauty. That thing of less than the Highest Good For All does not belong to me and so I can easily say No to it. The things I say YES/NO to create the world I live in. My soup pot holds some things I'd best take out. The soup in my pot lacks some things that will make it taste better. The one force source flows thru me. Some energies need to be Yes-ed like a waterfall through me to flow like sweet honey overflowing from my cup /the bowl of my being out into the world surrounding me. Some uses of energy need to be taboo erased from my playbook No-ed out of my sacred space with volcanic force. Sometimes I teeter totter between my Yeses and my Nos but on a day with clear blue sky or in the dark of a night spangled with moon and stars I stand in the middle of that seesaw with my arms flung out wide to hug the Cosmos to hug both the tiniest blossoms and the tallest mountains both this world and the other realms beyond the veils one foot securely planted in my No my other foot tenderly balancing placed with loving care in my Yes.

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