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Saturday, May 25, 2013


COSMIC COWGIRLS by Susan Daniel on May 13, 2013 at 10:30am SHE HAD CHOICES WHEN SHE LIVED IN THE GREAT MYSTERY She had choices She had teeny~tiny~seed~ sized choices no bigger than a grain of sand She had choices @ the forks in the road She had choices @ the crossroads She had choices She had choices that added more color to her world She had choices that erased the board She had choices that would take a long time to bring into fruition She had choices She had choices tiny as fireflies She had choices as steady as lighthouse beacons She had choices as magical as fairy dust She had choices She had choices as sweet as honey She had choices she had to make in pitch black dark She had choices heavy like stones She had choices She had choices that took her into valleys of sadness She had choices that weren't shown on any map She had choices she shrank away from She had choices She had choices she leaned into She had choices that marked special occasions She had choices she never paid attention to She had choices She had choices that looked like MOUNTAINS and didn't amount to a hill of beans She had choices that made her heart sing She had choices that took her breath away She had choices She had choices of utmost importance She had choices as easy as a gentle breeze She had choices that dug way down deep She had choices She had choices that created belly laughs She had choices that made her body dance She had choices that seemed preposterous She had choices She had choices that wouldn't let her loose She had choices that made her shape~shift into other ways of being She had choices that seemed old hat She had choices She had choices that felt like deja vu She had choices that filled her with élan vital She had choices that made her feel like she'd lost everything She had choices She had choices that gave her blank pages to write on She had choices when it felt like she had no room to even sign her name She had choices that were uplifting She had choices She had choices that dashed all hopes to the ground She had choices that made her walk through labyrinths She had choices that tasted YUCK! She had choices She had choices that led her to her heart's center She had choices that she wrestled with She had choices that rolled like water off a duck's back She had choices She had choices that led to dreams come true She had choices that led her far from the truth She had choices that whispered She had choices She had choices she hollered out loud in despair and desperation She had choices that gave her the willies She had choices she made with others She had choices She had choices she made alone, all by herself She had choices that were straightforward She had choices that were winding and convoluted She had choices She had choices that tooted her own horn She had choices that made her be in harmony with the universe She had choices she made before the morning stars first sang together She had choices She had choices that were in auspicious agreement with the star patterns She had choices that drew lines and dared others to cross over them She had choices that protected the innocent She had choices She had choices between a rock and a hard place She had choices that opened windows and showed her new vistas and horizons She had choices that shut doors forever She had choices She had choices that led to sanctuary She had choices that took her into war zones She had choices that took her on her path with heart She had choices She had choices where she had to wear armor just to survive She had choices that took her into nature She had choices where trees gave her air to breathe She had choices She had choices where she was drowning and couldn't catch her breath She had choices where she was lost in the woods She had choices where she wore masks She had choices She had choices where she stomp danced naked by the fire She had choices where her heart beat in time with her Earth Mother She had choices where she sang out of tune She had choices She had choices when she felt like she knew everything She had choices when she didn't know where to begin She had choices when she felt shattered and broken into tiny fragments She had choices She had choices where she picked up her thread and wove it into the tapestry of All That Is She had choices where she crooned lullabies and told fairy tales to newborn babies She had choices where she chose to cradle fallen soldiers in her loving arms She had choices She had choices where she raised her arms in praise of the Great Creator She had choices where she hoed her row in the garden of life She had choices when she strut and sashayed into a new day where the birds had sung the sun awake She had choices She had choices she had to make in the fierce winds of hurricanes She had choices that were good medicine for her She had choices where she had to shed skins to get to the truth and beauty at her core She had choices She had choices where she cried out to Father Sky for help She had choices where she could talk with animals She had choices where none of the symbols made any sense She had choices She had choices where she had to make up the meanings for herself She had choices when she didn't have a clue She had choices that made her live in awe and wonder She had choices She had choices She had choices

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