Saturday, May 25, 2013
COSMIC COWGIRLS April 6 2013 This one button can summon HELP
COSMIC COWGIRLS by Susan Daniel on April 6, 2013 at 1:48pm This one button can summon HELP! A friend of a friend of mine wrote in her book, "Possibility is what matters." & so I ask: Which button shall I push? What memories shall I make for myself? What revelations am I ready to reveal? From Suzanne Giesmann's collection of SANAYA sayings in LOVE BEYOND WORDS: there are a lot of whats which ones will I bring into being? In the liquid base of my being is the sea of all possibility. How am I being Spirit today? What mysteries of the Universe am I holding? Which ones will I reveal this day? Will I do my best to bring the love that is in each one of us to the surface today? In the words of Luis Cardoza y Aragon: "For an artist, a tip of a fingernail has planetary connotation. Rooted in symbols, human beings take over the world to know it better, to know who they are and where they are. And to explain the world, investigate it, and invent paths and possibilities." In my mind's eye I have an old Lily Tomlin telephone switchboard in my head and the ability to hookup wires and push buttons to connect parts of myself and the world in conversation. Of course I know my little self the operator will listen in and always be willing to jump in with my ego's 2 cents worth just as I know my Divine Mother and Father, creators of this Great Switchboard that is my life's work will lovingly listen in on me and the whole operation. What buttons will I push to be a better flow of energy in my world today? One ringy dingy Two ringy dingies.... If I follow The Way Of The Muse I may plug in the cord and push the button that connects me with TRUTH Are my actions in Dharmic Service of others for the Highest Good of all beings? Am I expressing words of kindness caring & understanding? or I may choose to push the button that's labeled COURAGE Do I use courage to pick myself up from my Woe! is me Poor Pitiful Pearl place & sit & keep on with my soul's purpose? Am I using my creative spirit to celebrate my Indwelling Living Light? Am I radiant with all of the good ju~ju stuff I believe? Like: Each time you Remember the Truth of who you are. You bring more light into the world. or I could select the button that says VISION Do I drum? Howl at the moon? Observe Mother Nature to see what lessons she has to teach me? Walk the Labyrinth? Build Medicine Wheels? ~to find and listen to my Inner Voice of Truth? so I can walk My Path With Heart? Do I sometimes let my fingers push the MUSIC button be it flutes drumming or songs to empower me to dance in celebration of the gift of life we all have been blessed with? Do I push the INSPIRATION button to find guidance seek revelations that help me live with feelings of hopefulness and helpfulness? Do I push the MYSTERY button to explore my connections with the Powers That Be? Am I awake and aware of how the Powers That Be flow through nature and me and others on this Earthball? Do I use the DESIRE button to find in~stances that help me live with RESPONSE~ABILITY and AT~ONE~MENT? Do I push the PRAISE button to connect with the Holy names of the Powers That Be /Creative Force~Source Christ Buddha Goddess Spirit Divine? Do I push the DANCE button to move Living In Spirit with joyous delight? Do I use my VOICE button to express my Oneness with all of life and express my Revelations of Truth? Do I push the QUESTION button to seek ways of being my own Personal Legend? When I push the LAUGHTER button do I find my way to live in spirit with joyous delight, love, grace and gratitude? Pushing the LISTEN button do I find my way to the quiet place where nothing can harm me to that quiet place we carry inside ~the heart of the world ~the heart of the world? When I push my MEMORY button can I conjure up pictures of how each day I have been given the steps it was necessary for me to take in order to grow and unfold? Will I remember days when I muttered the mantras: WE CAN ONLY GROW AS FAST AS WE CAN GROW and SURELY EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING THE WAY IT IS SPOZED TO BE in mercy for others and myself? I have the power to push any SONG button I desire to choose. The songs I sing in my heart can reflect all of the poems and prayers and promises and things that I believe in. The DEVOTION button I select helps me be a channel of blessings~ love and light. These are only one kind of the buttons I can select from among the infinite variety of types of buttons that are mine for the choosing. I AM is another style/sort of button I can select from. In that panel of buttons I can choose I AM buttons that are labeled: Infinite Power In The Flow Infinite Love and Endless Light Respectful Of All Life Growing In Gratitude Aligned With Truth Ready To Take Action In Touch With My Own Power Aware and Awake A Reality Shifter Peaceful and Prosperous Kind To Myself and All Others Accountable For My Actions Authentically Unique At Ease With Change Committed To My Goals At Choice In Every Moment ~~~ My questions for you are: What panel of buttons to push for help will you create for yourself? Which button will you push today? In this moment now what do you need more help with?
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