Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
My October 31, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Freedom to
seeing sacredness
~The core of peace lives
not in my thoughts or deeds but
inside of my heart
~When I go within
do I feel relationship
and know We are One?
~My relatives are
in each person animal
rock tree and flower
~I take refuge in
the Divine's presence and feel
safe and protected
~Everywhere in
the world surrounding me the
Divine is present
~The power of the
Divine protects and watches
over all of us
~When my good day to
die comes my spirit will go
into other realms
~Now, here while I am
on Earth let me deliver
love truth and beauty
~When endings come let
me find new ways to love and
create the Divine
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Freedom to
seeing sacredness
~The core of peace lives
not in my thoughts or deeds but
inside of my heart
~When I go within
do I feel relationship
and know We are One?
~My relatives are
in each person animal
rock tree and flower
~I take refuge in
the Divine's presence and feel
safe and protected
~Everywhere in
the world surrounding me the
Divine is present
~The power of the
Divine protects and watches
over all of us
~When my good day to
die comes my spirit will go
into other realms
~Now, here while I am
on Earth let me deliver
love truth and beauty
~When endings come let
me find new ways to love and
create the Divine
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
My August 8, 2016 haikus
My August 8, 2016 haikus
[some of this inspired by #33 Our Lady of Radiant Grace card in Alana Fairchild's Mother Mary Oracle with Shiloh Sophia's artwork]
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Fullness to
selections make
~The essence of All
catches my breath in awe and
I reflect the Divine
~Perfect stillness brings
perfect reflections What is
my life teaching me?
~What seeds do I hold
to plant into this day? Love?
Kindness? Joy? Delight?
~What radiant grace
allows me to live wildly and
expansively here?
~I am in love with
the earth and fly free I choose
to live in Spirit
~I trust enough to
leap into this day heart first
full of the Divine
~O Big Mama fill
me with your radiant grace
Let it flow from me
~Gift to me the chutzpah
to kick the door open and
dare to step outside
~Divine Mother waits
for me to sashay into
this Wild World with her
[some of this inspired by #33 Our Lady of Radiant Grace card in Alana Fairchild's Mother Mary Oracle with Shiloh Sophia's artwork]
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Fullness to
selections make
~The essence of All
catches my breath in awe and
I reflect the Divine
~Perfect stillness brings
perfect reflections What is
my life teaching me?
~What seeds do I hold
to plant into this day? Love?
Kindness? Joy? Delight?
~What radiant grace
allows me to live wildly and
expansively here?
~I am in love with
the earth and fly free I choose
to live in Spirit
~I trust enough to
leap into this day heart first
full of the Divine
~O Big Mama fill
me with your radiant grace
Let it flow from me
~Gift to me the chutzpah
to kick the door open and
dare to step outside
~Divine Mother waits
for me to sashay into
this Wild World with her
~Let's go rattle some
cages and free others to
know Big Mama's grace
My August 7, 2016 haikus
My August 7, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Perfection
to my life's ideals
~Today I found a
broken butterfly fallen
and I brought it home
~Molten Mystery's
Fire is at my center
I let my light shine
~Through me flows the Love
of living life to those I
meet on their paths
~I see you guided
and directed by inward
spirit that leads you
~You arrive where you
need to be and walk the path
that is right for you
~Just as butterfly
lives it's numbered days you grow
toward your freedom
~Spread your wings and fly
Let your feet dance on flowers
Live in beauty ways
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Perfection
to my life's ideals
~Today I found a
broken butterfly fallen
and I brought it home
~Molten Mystery's
Fire is at my center
I let my light shine
~Through me flows the Love
of living life to those I
meet on their paths
~I see you guided
and directed by inward
spirit that leads you
~You arrive where you
need to be and walk the path
that is right for you
~Just as butterfly
lives it's numbered days you grow
toward your freedom
~Spread your wings and fly
Let your feet dance on flowers
Live in beauty ways
My August 6, 2016 haikus
My August 6, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Abundance
to my gift giving
~Barriers and thoughts
of limitations keep me
from living fully
~I have talents and
gifts to share and ideas
to explore and dreams...
~Let me use my hands
to live in beauty ways Let
me dance in delight
1~dark nite blue
Big Mama
2~ AIR
Pollyanna Possibilities
NOT Poor Pitiful Pearl thoughts
The Sky is limitless
Create poems and paintings with passion
Pose questions that kindle sparks (into flames) in self and others
Flow loving kindness truth and beauty
(and kind thoughtfulness)
into all I think say and do
Mend with Kintsugi gold
Ground poems prayers promises and things I believe into my body with Qijong Tai Chi Yoga and Bellydancing
Apply spiritual principles into my daily living
Manifest Alchemical Magic
In the palm of my hand I drew a tree woman with roots who sez: I know where I come from
Above her head a heart compass w/the 4 directions
and the words:
My Heart Compass is my Guide
Above the heart compass a spiral
Inscribed in the spiral are the words:
I know where I'm going...
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Abundance
to my gift giving
~Barriers and thoughts
of limitations keep me
from living fully
~I have talents and
gifts to share and ideas
to explore and dreams...
~Let me use my hands
to live in beauty ways Let
me dance in delight
1~dark nite blue
Big Mama
2~ AIR
Pollyanna Possibilities
NOT Poor Pitiful Pearl thoughts
The Sky is limitless
Create poems and paintings with passion
Pose questions that kindle sparks (into flames) in self and others
Flow loving kindness truth and beauty
(and kind thoughtfulness)
into all I think say and do
Mend with Kintsugi gold
Ground poems prayers promises and things I believe into my body with Qijong Tai Chi Yoga and Bellydancing
Apply spiritual principles into my daily living
Manifest Alchemical Magic
In the palm of my hand I drew a tree woman with roots who sez: I know where I come from
Above her head a heart compass w/the 4 directions
and the words:
My Heart Compass is my Guide
Above the heart compass a spiral
Inscribed in the spiral are the words:
I know where I'm going...
I gleaned these questions from Havi's June new moon post to
create my art journal page
1~ How do I create a space for Beauty in my life?
2~ How do I bring my THOUGHTS into a place of Beauty?
How do I move in Beauty? in a free flowing way
3~ How do I create with Beauty?
How do I put Beauty into my passion? creativity in a focused way
3~ How do I create with Beauty?
How do I put Beauty into my passion? creativity in a focused way?
5~ How do I build/ manifest Beauty?
It binds things together?
How do I bring Beauty to my belongings?
1~ AETHER/space
2~ AIR~ thoughts/movement
3~ FIRE/passion/creativity/focus
4~ WATER/flow/emotions
5~ EARTH/grounding/manifesting
1~ How do I create a space for Beauty in my life?
2~ How do I bring my THOUGHTS into a place of Beauty?
How do I move in Beauty? in a free flowing way
3~ How do I create with Beauty?
How do I put Beauty into my passion? creativity in a focused way
3~ How do I create with Beauty?
How do I put Beauty into my passion? creativity in a focused way?
5~ How do I build/ manifest Beauty?
It binds things together?
How do I bring Beauty to my belongings?
1~ AETHER/space
2~ AIR~ thoughts/movement
3~ FIRE/passion/creativity/focus
4~ WATER/flow/emotions
5~ EARTH/grounding/manifesting
My August 5, 2016 haikus
My August 5, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Change to
my ways of thinking
~I think on these things
true pure right and lovely in
my mind's thought garden
~I weed out by the
roots negative thinking that
hurts harms and destroys
~With a clear field in
my mind I can plant heart
seeds of love's beauty
~The Divine's loving
presence protects me strengthens
my inner spirit
~With wisdom I know
what needs to be done and have
the strength to do it
~I overcome fears
and turn from darkness toward
Divine light within
~The heart seeds I plant
empower others to plant
heart seeds of their own
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Change to
my ways of thinking
~I think on these things
true pure right and lovely in
my mind's thought garden
~I weed out by the
roots negative thinking that
hurts harms and destroys
~With a clear field in
my mind I can plant heart
seeds of love's beauty
~The Divine's loving
presence protects me strengthens
my inner spirit
~With wisdom I know
what needs to be done and have
the strength to do it
~I overcome fears
and turn from darkness toward
Divine light within
~The heart seeds I plant
empower others to plant
heart seeds of their own
My August 4, 2016 haikus
My August 4, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
Assertiveness spirit to
my yoga practice
~I love others for
the sake of the spirit that
lives within all things
~The Lord of Love willed
Let me be many You and
I are shining love
~Let my actions shape
my life spiritually
with my practices
~From my heart my hands
do actions that are filled with
love and compassion
~Love flows into me
from the Divine and I flow
Love out to others
~Whether giving or receiving my heart
to the flow of light
~Today I will bring
Assertiveness spirit to
my yoga practice
~I love others for
the sake of the spirit that
lives within all things
~The Lord of Love willed
Let me be many You and
I are shining love
~Let my actions shape
my life spiritually
with my practices
~From my heart my hands
do actions that are filled with
love and compassion
~Love flows into me
from the Divine and I flow
Love out to others
~Whether giving or receiving my heart
to the flow of light
~I shine
My August 3, 2016 haikus
My August 3, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Sharing to
my yoga practice
~I will seek to know
why yoga goes with all types
of religious faiths
~What strangers have
I invited in lately? Whom
will I welcome in?
~I am ready for
my next spiritual gift I
open myself up
and possibilities are
unfolding for me
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Sharing to
my yoga practice
~I will seek to know
why yoga goes with all types
of religious faiths
~What strangers have
I invited in lately? Whom
will I welcome in?
~I am ready for
my next spiritual gift I
open myself up
and possibilities are
unfolding for me
~There are so many
paths to the Divine Which path
do I choose today?
My August 2, 2016 haikus
My August 2, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Newness to
my Joyful Power
~When I am in pain
how do I recognize the
presence of Divine?
~In all my trials
the Divine is with me I
share this with others
~No matter what we
are facing we can let the
Divine flow thru us
~Together we share
our sorrows and joys and rise
up to dance our days
~In quiet times with
the Divine I am refreshed
and renewed in love
~I take time to rest
when I feel stressed or tired
I look for laughter
~Having fun helps me
in my physical and my
spiritual self~care
~I feel embraced by
Divine's serenity when
I'm in sacred space
~I take gentle breaths
and let go and surrender
into Divine peace
~I rise up and dance
in gratitude for beauty
and all that's good
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Newness to
my Joyful Power
~When I am in pain
how do I recognize the
presence of Divine?
~In all my trials
the Divine is with me I
share this with others
~No matter what we
are facing we can let the
Divine flow thru us
~Together we share
our sorrows and joys and rise
up to dance our days
~In quiet times with
the Divine I am refreshed
and renewed in love
~I take time to rest
when I feel stressed or tired
I look for laughter
~Having fun helps me
in my physical and my
spiritual self~care
~I feel embraced by
Divine's serenity when
I'm in sacred space
~I take gentle breaths
and let go and surrender
into Divine peace
~I rise up and dance
in gratitude for beauty
and all that's good
~Sacred spaces are
ev'rywhere I sit and sing
songs of Divine Joy
My August 1, 2016 haikus
My August 1, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Fullness to
my loving kindness
~Grace flows into me
from angels of Life and Peace
I live life fully
~Keep red rot from my
trombone and let me play my
music til I die
~Tho my body may
waste away Daily in me
spirit is renewed
~I center in the
Divine and look for cues and
signs to guide my way
~In me there is a
flame that longs to shine bright
and help others burn
~These fires of light
warmth comfort and passion grow
fruits we can share
~I laugh in delight
as your fruits' juices drip down
my chin and bless me
~In community
we share the All That Is and
dance with the Divine
What renews nourishes and refreshes me?
In what ways do I pray and meditate?
What surprises and fascinates me?
What is mine to discover?
What actions do my beliefs call me to do?
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Fullness to
my loving kindness
~Grace flows into me
from angels of Life and Peace
I live life fully
~Keep red rot from my
trombone and let me play my
music til I die
~Tho my body may
waste away Daily in me
spirit is renewed
~I center in the
Divine and look for cues and
signs to guide my way
~In me there is a
flame that longs to shine bright
and help others burn
~These fires of light
warmth comfort and passion grow
fruits we can share
~I laugh in delight
as your fruits' juices drip down
my chin and bless me
~In community
we share the All That Is and
dance with the Divine
What renews nourishes and refreshes me?
In what ways do I pray and meditate?
What surprises and fascinates me?
What is mine to discover?
What actions do my beliefs call me to do?
My July 31, 2016 haikus
My July 31, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of my Shining
Light to all Beings
~It is Teltane time
for Lugh the Sun to marry
Eire the Earth now
~What cosmic mating
of male and female do I
need to be doing?
~How can I balance
yin and yang to restore the
harmony in me?
~What sacred task must
I shoulder for our planet
to survive and thrive?
~When one door closes
I look for new doors to open
Opening my heart
come with change What treasures will
I find in this day?
~Changing scenery
brings Playing Visiting and
Exploration time
~Let me greet changes
with joyful expectations
and learn to dance joy
~Today I will bring
the spirit of my Shining
Light to all Beings
~It is Teltane time
for Lugh the Sun to marry
Eire the Earth now
~What cosmic mating
of male and female do I
need to be doing?
~How can I balance
yin and yang to restore the
harmony in me?
~What sacred task must
I shoulder for our planet
to survive and thrive?
~When one door closes
I look for new doors to open
Opening my heart
come with change What treasures will
I find in this day?
~Changing scenery
brings Playing Visiting and
Exploration time
~Let me greet changes
with joyful expectations
and learn to dance joy
She who gifts
and Laughter
to ALL
My July 30, 2016 haikus
My July 30, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Love For All
Brings here on earth
~How can I seek the
Divine in new ways today
Where is it flowing?
~There comes a moment
when I wake up to be the
energy flowing
~It dances in me
I dance in it We dance in
the Everything
~Like the small corca
deer I seek to find sources
of Living Water
~Exploring I find
spiritual territories
I have yet to know
~I pray This or gift
me something better and then
I can let this go
~All is working out
for the best and highest good
for all beings here
~At the perfect and
ripe time Ideas Feelings
and Dreams come to me
~I listen and do
my part to bring fruition
of fruits in my tree
~I move forward with
clarity and assurance
using discernment
~Spirit of Truth comes
and guides me into all of
the truth our world needs
~Here I grow again
I flourish creating the
Life of my dreams now
~I move through FEAR or
False Evidence Appearing
Real into Freedom
She who seeks Love For All Beings
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Love For All
Brings here on earth
~How can I seek the
Divine in new ways today
Where is it flowing?
~There comes a moment
when I wake up to be the
energy flowing
~It dances in me
I dance in it We dance in
the Everything
~Like the small corca
deer I seek to find sources
of Living Water
~Exploring I find
spiritual territories
I have yet to know
~I pray This or gift
me something better and then
I can let this go
~All is working out
for the best and highest good
for all beings here
~At the perfect and
ripe time Ideas Feelings
and Dreams come to me
~I listen and do
my part to bring fruition
of fruits in my tree
~I move forward with
clarity and assurance
using discernment
~Spirit of Truth comes
and guides me into all of
the truth our world needs
~Here I grow again
I flourish creating the
Life of my dreams now
~I move through FEAR or
False Evidence Appearing
Real into Freedom
She who seeks Love For All Beings
My July 29, 2016 haikus
My July 29, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
Simplicity's spirit to
where it is needed
~Sweet is the breath of
Nature in my life Simple
joys come I slow down
~Standing Stones point to
the sky I am a channel
from Father to MA
~A connector of
the oceans of cosmic and
earthly love I am
~Whom am I called to
encourage today? Give me
strength to comfort them
~Raise me up one more
time from calamities and
troubles O Divine
~When the heavy rains
persist Let my delicate
flowers become strong
~Let me rise up in
Beauty when the sun stops the
rain and shines again
~The Divine helps me
when I feel weak under the
weight of life's lessons
~Help me to show the
same kindness to others and
support them in storms
~Centering myself
in a positive spirit
is truly praying
~I lift my heart in
Joy and move toward better
outcomes in my life
~How can I raise my
spirits and engage in a
optimistic stance?
~I trust all things are
working together for good
in all of our lives
~Let our joyful hearts
give us the energy to
empower us here
ALEPH brings Divine to Earth
How will I receive the generous Breath of Creation this Sabbath?
~Today I will bring
Simplicity's spirit to
where it is needed
~Sweet is the breath of
Nature in my life Simple
joys come I slow down
~Standing Stones point to
the sky I am a channel
from Father to MA
~A connector of
the oceans of cosmic and
earthly love I am
~Whom am I called to
encourage today? Give me
strength to comfort them
~Raise me up one more
time from calamities and
troubles O Divine
~When the heavy rains
persist Let my delicate
flowers become strong
~Let me rise up in
Beauty when the sun stops the
rain and shines again
~The Divine helps me
when I feel weak under the
weight of life's lessons
~Help me to show the
same kindness to others and
support them in storms
~Centering myself
in a positive spirit
is truly praying
~I lift my heart in
Joy and move toward better
outcomes in my life
~How can I raise my
spirits and engage in a
optimistic stance?
~I trust all things are
working together for good
in all of our lives
~Let our joyful hearts
give us the energy to
empower us here
ALEPH brings Divine to Earth
How will I receive the generous Breath of Creation this Sabbath?
My July 28, 2016 haikus

My July 28, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of World Peace to
my day's singing songs
~I am looking for
the Divine in every
thing and one I meet
~I open to let
the Divine shape my future
I offer my hands
~Most High gifts us grace
Our Divine inheritance
brings me to Wisdom
~I let my feet take
me where my heart longs to go
I rise up and dance
~Here I can stomp dance
the Divine's prayers for me
into this earth's dirt
~With my hands and my
feet I give limitlessly
with generous grace
~Today I will bring
the spirit of World Peace to
my day's singing songs
~I am looking for
the Divine in every
thing and one I meet
~I open to let
the Divine shape my future
I offer my hands
~Most High gifts us grace
Our Divine inheritance
brings me to Wisdom
~I let my feet take
me where my heart longs to go
I rise up and dance
~Here I can stomp dance
the Divine's prayers for me
into this earth's dirt
~With my hands and my
feet I give limitlessly
with generous grace
My July 27, 2016 haikus

My July 27, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Fullness to
my life’s adventures
~Whatever comes I
can live life with compassion
for the sad and glad
~Filled with the Holy
Spirit I am excited
to be of service
~What songs can I sing
that honor the Divine and
uplift humankind?
~I practice peace in
knowing calm serenity
and tranquility
~In unsettling
situations challenges or
change I whisper Peace
~I breathe deeply and
look for guidance to the
right and perfect outcome
~Music can help me
be expressive of love and
provide what’s needed
Saturday, August 13, 2016
July 26. 2016 faces that look like maps of where all you've been
July 26. 2016 faces that look like maps of where all you've been
faces with lines and cracks and crevices....
You know~ the faces that look like maps of where all you've
Like in Brandi Carlile's song:
"The Story"
All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true... I was made for you
I climbed across the mountain tops
Swam all across the ocean blue
I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules
But baby I broke them all for you
Because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
You do and I was made for you
You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through like you do
And I was made for you...
All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true... I was made for you
Oh yeah, well it's true... that
I was made for you...
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true... I was made for you
I climbed across the mountain tops
Swam all across the ocean blue
I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules
But baby I broke them all for you
Because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
You do and I was made for you
You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through like you do
And I was made for you...
All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true... I was made for you
Oh yeah, well it's true... that
I was made for you...
which I find so hauntingly beautiful...
My July 25, 2016 haikus
My July 25, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Connectedness
to my fingers' touch
~My hands create
the sparkles of beauty that
reflect creation
~I pull poetry
into my daily life and
share it with others
~In times of trouble
I reach out to hold hands with
tender loving care
~I carve out places
where I can be in awe with
childlike wonderings
~I live each moment
with enthusiasm and
in fascination
~Beauty awes me and
I am filled with infinite
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Connectedness
to my fingers' touch
~My hands create
the sparkles of beauty that
reflect creation
~I pull poetry
into my daily life and
share it with others
~In times of trouble
I reach out to hold hands with
tender loving care
~I carve out places
where I can be in awe with
childlike wonderings
~I live each moment
with enthusiasm and
in fascination
~Beauty awes me and
I am filled with infinite
July 25, 2016 GENEROSITY
July 25, 2016 GENEROSITY
~Girl, I wish you could know her
She lives her GENEROSITY with great glee
The Grandmothers say When she hulas
Her wide hips gyrate and her Wild Woman Womb opens up to give birth to galaxies
The Grandfathers say When I plant my seeds in her she grows every possibility in her garden
Together we grow creation
~Boy~ I wish you could crawl
up into her lap
and hear her stories
Her words will take you sailing
on Grand Adventures
In ships of dreams
She tells tales
~Flowers and trees
and Birds and Bees
are all Her Relations
She stomps them out onto earth
Forming mountains and caves of mysteries
She hollows out empty spaces
to hold the vastness of the seas
~Woman if you look into her eyes
You will see the sparkle of what makes shining
If you open your heart wide
She will fill you with emotions
and you can tend seeds in your garden
Nurture and nourish them with the milk and honey of your breasts
~Man when she sashays
and her hips sway
She brings forth moon and stars
to dance their stories
across the night skies
The ones that seem to be tangled in her hair
Her fingers weave sun and clouds together
to create the ambience and set the scene
for your nets to catch the wonders of each day
~People she holds the keys
for living in the KINdom
as one Earth family
Inside her lives the quiet
in between beat of moments
From her core she draws up
The molten red orange yellow blue
hot lava of creation
~She freely gifts to you her GENEROSITY
The Wherewithal and Oomph
to lift your arms in praise
To gyrate your hips in motion
Let your heart dance to her heart's drumbeat
With each breath you take With each step you make
on your heart's path of
and Beauty
~Rise up from your bed of sleeping
Live the GENEROSITY of your dreams into our world
Bathe yourself clean in her clear waters
She gifts you fires to gather round for warmth and Light
Light your lantern's candles
Be her feet Go out into our world
Let your hands deliver her GENEROSITY
wherever colors need to be painted
~This is your life This dirt your floor
The sky and all it holds~ your ceiling
There is a well inside of you
Where her GENEROSITY flows freely
Carve out sacred space to be with Her
Learn by heart to sing her celestial music songs
Create in touch/word/paint/music/song/dance
Live your life with GENEROSITY
~Let us create in this gigantic
Cosmic Soup pot
Our part of what it means to live life fully
We are the sights textures smells and tastes
of her glorious GENEROSITY
The Spices and the Kintsugi Gold mending
this place
these people
to make us Whole
~With her elements of Earth Air Fire and Water
Let us create her GENEROSITY
Lordy and Big Mama are calling us
to be One Earth Mama and One Earth Papa
and create One Earth Family
Where there is Love and Truth and Beauty
How will I use discernment and grace
to create GENEROSITY for All
with my spices paint and song and dance?
~Girl, I wish you could know her
She lives her GENEROSITY with great glee
The Grandmothers say When she hulas
Her wide hips gyrate and her Wild Woman Womb opens up to give birth to galaxies
The Grandfathers say When I plant my seeds in her she grows every possibility in her garden
Together we grow creation
~Boy~ I wish you could crawl
up into her lap
and hear her stories
Her words will take you sailing
on Grand Adventures
In ships of dreams
She tells tales
~Flowers and trees
and Birds and Bees
are all Her Relations
She stomps them out onto earth
Forming mountains and caves of mysteries
She hollows out empty spaces
to hold the vastness of the seas
~Woman if you look into her eyes
You will see the sparkle of what makes shining
If you open your heart wide
She will fill you with emotions
and you can tend seeds in your garden
Nurture and nourish them with the milk and honey of your breasts
~Man when she sashays
and her hips sway
She brings forth moon and stars
to dance their stories
across the night skies
The ones that seem to be tangled in her hair
Her fingers weave sun and clouds together
to create the ambience and set the scene
for your nets to catch the wonders of each day
~People she holds the keys
for living in the KINdom
as one Earth family
Inside her lives the quiet
in between beat of moments
From her core she draws up
The molten red orange yellow blue
hot lava of creation
~She freely gifts to you her GENEROSITY
The Wherewithal and Oomph
to lift your arms in praise
To gyrate your hips in motion
Let your heart dance to her heart's drumbeat
With each breath you take With each step you make
on your heart's path of
and Beauty
~Rise up from your bed of sleeping
Live the GENEROSITY of your dreams into our world
Bathe yourself clean in her clear waters
She gifts you fires to gather round for warmth and Light
Light your lantern's candles
Be her feet Go out into our world
Let your hands deliver her GENEROSITY
wherever colors need to be painted
~This is your life This dirt your floor
The sky and all it holds~ your ceiling
There is a well inside of you
Where her GENEROSITY flows freely
Carve out sacred space to be with Her
Learn by heart to sing her celestial music songs
Create in touch/word/paint/music/song/dance
Live your life with GENEROSITY
~Let us create in this gigantic
Cosmic Soup pot
Our part of what it means to live life fully
We are the sights textures smells and tastes
of her glorious GENEROSITY
The Spices and the Kintsugi Gold mending
this place
these people
to make us Whole
~With her elements of Earth Air Fire and Water
Let us create her GENEROSITY
Lordy and Big Mama are calling us
to be One Earth Mama and One Earth Papa
and create One Earth Family
Where there is Love and Truth and Beauty
How will I use discernment and grace
to create GENEROSITY for All
with my spices paint and song and dance?
There is something I wanna share that goes along with the I AM
THE CLAY theme that's been playing in my life center stage recently. I can't
think of clay without thinking of M. C. Richards who wrote
I have a really old version of this book.
Please take a few minutes to spend time with this wondrous lady:
You can read about her life @
I also have the movie about her THE FIRE WITHIN
Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
~ To have character is to be big enough to take life on.
~ We have to believe that a creative being lives within
ourselves, whether we like it or not, and that we must get out of its way, for
it will not give us peace until we do.
~ All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is
our life.
~ For since most of our living is unconscious, play is
like matchstrokes in the void, bringing into light the structures we behave by,
illuminating for us, however briefly, our deep meanings.
~ Love is not a doctrine, Peace is not an international agreement.
Love and peace are beings who live as possibilities in us.
~Let no one be deluded that a knowledge of the path can
substitute for putting one foot in front of the other.
~Am I willing to give up what I have in order to be what I am
not yet? Am I willing to let my ideas of myself, of man be changed? Am I able
to follow the spirit of love into the desert? To empty myself even of my
concept of emptiness?
~There is a creative spirit in you desiring to be free, and you
may as well get out of its way for it will give you no peace until you do.
~People don't want to feel stuck, they want to be able to
~In a lethal world, poetry is necessary for survival.
~Bear ye one another's burdens, the Lord said, and he was
talking law.
~Who are enemies? Those who oppose each others will.
~Inhabit ourselves that we may indeed do what we want to do.
~It is for each of us freely to choose whom we shall serve, and
find in that obedience our freedom.
~The child takes in his world as if it were food. And his world
nourishes or starves him. Nothing escapes his thirst. Secrets are impossible.
He identifies with his surroundings and they live within him unconsciously; it
is perhaps for this reason that the small child has been characterized as
naturally religious.
~We must be steady enough in ourselves, to be open and to let
the winds of life blow through us, to be our breath, our inspiration . . .
~And with listening, too, it seems to me, it is not the ear that
hears, it is not the physical organ that performs the act of inner receptivity.
It is the total person who hears. Sometimes the skin seems to be the best
listener, as it prickles and thrills, say to a sound or a silence; or the
fantasy, the imagination: how it bursts into inner pictures as it listens and
then responds by pressing its language, its forms, into the listening clay. To
be open to what we hear, to be open in what we say.
~Our works and our play. All our pleasures experienced as the
pleasure of love. What could be better that? To feel in one's work the tender
and flushed substance of one's dearest concern.
My July 24, 2016 haikus
My July 24, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of my Shining
Light to my Sabbath
~Divine Potter mold
my life that I may reflect
Creation's Beauty
~Potters can a
spoiled vessel and create
a new one from it
~Remold me anew
Throw me onto your spinning
wheel and shape my form
~When I crack or mar
in Divine's hands I become
beautiful again
~Divine shape mold and
recreate me again in
your Divine image
~I behold Divine
essence in myself and in
others Let us fly!
~I raise my hands to
You in praise! With these wings You
gift me with I fly!
~When it is hard for
me to see I lift my thoughts
up higher and Sing!
~Beyond shells of hurt
fear and apprehension lie
our true Divine selves
~Help me get better
perspectives so I can see
and be more Divine
~Today I will bring
the spirit of my Shining
Light to my Sabbath
~Divine Potter mold
my life that I may reflect
Creation's Beauty
~Potters can a
spoiled vessel and create
a new one from it
~Remold me anew
Throw me onto your spinning
wheel and shape my form
~When I crack or mar
in Divine's hands I become
beautiful again
~Divine shape mold and
recreate me again in
your Divine image
~I behold Divine
essence in myself and in
others Let us fly!
~I raise my hands to
You in praise! With these wings You
gift me with I fly!
~When it is hard for
me to see I lift my thoughts
up higher and Sing!
~Beyond shells of hurt
fear and apprehension lie
our true Divine selves
~Help me get better
perspectives so I can see
and be more Divine
[if you look closely you can see how my lady's head was too low
so I drew her head higher]
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I got up and worked with colored pencils in my art journal
Wrote my haikus but didn't have time to post them
Just got outta a wondrous yoga class
Lunch @ Rosie's to discuss WHEREVER THERE IS LIGHT for Pulpwood Bookclub
Reading TIMBER ROSE in between for PAGE & PALETTE Bookclub Tuesday
It's set in Portland and Seattle in 1907
They talk about the 1907 New Woman
It's written by J L Oakley
Do you know her?
Tonite is very special. My husband Steve and I are going w/ our next door neighbors to see Michael Franti @ the Saenger Theater in nearby Mobile.
We saw Micheal Franti 2X w/ our son before he was accidentally killed when Michael performed on the beach @ the Hangout Musical Festival in nearby Gulf Shores. Going to see Franti is like a pilgrimage for us. He sings uplifting music and even walked around Iraq barefoot playing his guitar and singing in hospitals and on the streets during the day and for U. S. soldiers at nite. He teaches yoga and is a DO Good person all around the world. He has even invited Steve up onstage.
They say there may be rain but the sun is hot.
I wish I had some time just to kill today,
And I wish I had a dime for every bill I had to pay.
Some days you lose you win and the waters as high as the times your in.
So I jump back into where I learned to swim.
Try to keep my head above it as best I can.
That's why;
Here I am,
Just waiting on this storm to pass me by.
And that's the sound of sunshine coming down
and that's the sound of sunshine coming down...
(Aye, aye, ayeehey...)
I saw my friend Bobby he said "What's up man?"
You gotta little work or a twenty to lend?
I opened up my hand
He said I'm glad to see, they can take away my job but not my friends you see.
And here I am just waiting for this storm to pass me by.
And that's the sound of sunshinen coming down
And that's the sound of sunsbhine coming down
(Here we go)
I want to go where the sun will never end
With my guitar on the beach there with all my friend.
The sun so hot and the waves in motion and everything smells like suntan lotion, the ocean, and the girls so sweet
So kick of your shoes and relax your feet
They say that miracles are never ceasin', and every single soul needs a little realeasin'
the stereo bumpin till the sun goes down, and I only want to hear that sound
And that's the sound of sunshine coming down
And that's the sound of sunshine coming down
And now say
You're the one I want to be with, when the sun goes down.
You're the one I want to be with, when t esun goes down
You're the one I want to be with when the sun goes down.
You're the one I want to be with when the sun goes
That's the sound of sunshine coming down
And that's the sound of sunshine coming down
(Aye, aye aye, Ha, aye aye)
He dances around all over the place
Has people come onstage with him
Goes out and sings in the audience
Even had a stage set up halfway back downstairs
Came upstairs on the front row of the balcony where we were sitting and stood next to Steve and they sang 2 songs together!!
He ended with all the little kids from the audience up on stage with him and the band. He had a keyboard player from California A drummer from Aftica A lady singer from Jamaica A guitar player from Louisianna and Texas. He sang and danced with kids and men and women from the audience. He talked about his adoptive mother's love for him and stories about wonderful people he's met on the road. His songs are so uplifting
One love
One blood
One heart
One soul
And one drum
And only one rhythm
And we share the air we breathe
We're all made from Heaven's seeds
And we are all earthlings
And I love this life we live
And I love to give this feeling away
I love this life we live
And I'm gonna give it all away
So shine your light until the break o' dawn
And shine your light if you're all alone
And shine your light until the early morn'
Let it shine on and on and on and on and on
We are all earthlings
From the cities to the mountains and the deserts and the deep blue see
To the palaces and prisons and the paradises that I see
That we are all earthlings
And I love this life we live
And I love to give this feeling away
I love this life we live
And I'm gonna give it all away
So shine your light until the break o' dawn
And shine your light if you're all alone
And shine your light until the early morn'
Let it shine on and on and on and on and on
And we all sing
(It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright)
(It's alright, it's alright) (it's alright, it's alright)
(It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright)
(It's alright, it's alright) (it's alright yeah)
(It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright)
(It's alright, it's alright) So shine your light until the break o' dawn
(It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright)
(It's alright, it's alright) And shine your light if you're all alone
(It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright)
(It's alright, it's alright) And shine your light until the early morn'
(It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright)
(It's alright, it's alright) Let it shine on and on and on and on and on
We are all earthlings
We are all earthlings
Everyday I wake up and turn my phone on
I read the news of the day, just as it's coming down
I do my best not to let it get me down
I try to keep my head up, but is Babylon
This world's in crisis, we try to fight it, this changing climate
The scientists and politicians divided by it
So many ways we could solve it but they would never sign it
This mountains tumbling down, but still we try to climb it
It's in the Torah, Quran and in the Bible
Love is the message for some how we turn to rivals
It's come to people always picking up their rifles
Another school getting shot up; homicidal
Some people tryna look fly, some people tryna get high
Some people losing their mind, some people tryna get by
And when you look in my eyes, you see the sign of the times
We all looking for the same thing
But what if this song's number one
Would it mean that love had won?
Would it mean that the world was saved?
And no guns are being drawn today?
What if everybody had a job?
And nobody had to break a law?
What if everyone could say
That it's good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Is it good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh
Is it good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Is it good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh
No matter what nobody say
People used to feel safer when they would hear a siren
Like help is on its way but now they only think of violence
Another youth in the streets and police is in a conflict
And now they hear the guns click, yo
Ebola crisis and ISIS is taking heads off
A drone is bombing a village and now the kids all
Signing up to be soldiers, but they all willing now
To do the killing now, now are you willing now?
Some politicians out there making up some problems
And tryna tell the people that they can solve them
With TV shows and soundbites and quotes
But everybody knows that it's all about the cash flow
They telling you and me, they're making progress
But tell it to the millions of jobless
It's like a players club with billions of dollars
To get the votes you got to make it rain in congress
Some people tryna look fly, some people tryna get high
Some people losing their mind, some people tryna get by
And when you look in my eyes, you see the sign of the times
We all looking for the same thing
But what if this song's number one
Would it mean that love had won?
Would it mean that the world was saved?
And no guns are being drawn today?
What if everybody had a job?
And nobody had to break a law?
What if everyone could say
That it's good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Is it good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh
Is it good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Is it good to be alive today?
Oh, oh, oh
And we all say
One day, one day
One day, one day
One day, we all will say
That it's good to be alive today
One day, one day
One day, one day
One day, we all will say
That it's good to be alive today