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Saturday, August 13, 2016

July 25, 2016 GENEROSITY

July 25, 2016 GENEROSITY

~Girl, I wish you could know her
She lives her GENEROSITY with great glee
The Grandmothers say When she hulas
Her wide hips gyrate and her Wild Woman Womb opens up to give birth to galaxies
The Grandfathers say When I plant my seeds in her she grows every possibility in her garden
Together we grow creation

~Boy~ I wish you could crawl
up into her lap
and hear her stories
Her words will take you sailing
on Grand Adventures
In ships of dreams
She tells tales

~Flowers and trees
and Birds and Bees
are all Her Relations
She stomps them out onto earth
Forming mountains and caves of mysteries
She hollows out empty spaces
to hold the vastness of the seas

~Woman if you look into her eyes
You will see the sparkle of what makes shining
If you open your heart wide
She will fill you with emotions
and you can tend seeds in your garden
Nurture and nourish them with the milk and honey of your breasts
~Man when she sashays
and her hips sway
She brings forth moon and stars
to dance their stories
across the night skies
The ones that seem to be tangled in her hair
Her fingers weave sun and clouds together
to create the ambience and set the scene
for your nets to catch the wonders of each day

~People she holds the keys
for living in the KINdom
as one Earth family
Inside her lives the quiet
in between beat of moments
From her core she draws up
The molten red orange yellow blue
hot lava of creation

~She freely gifts to you her GENEROSITY
The Wherewithal and Oomph
to lift your arms in praise
To gyrate your hips in motion
Let your heart dance to her heart's drumbeat
With each breath you take With each step you make
on your heart's path of
and Beauty

~Rise up from your bed of sleeping
Live the GENEROSITY of your dreams into our world
Bathe yourself clean in her clear waters
She gifts you fires to gather round for warmth and Light
Light your lantern's candles
Be her feet Go out into our world
Let your hands deliver her GENEROSITY
wherever colors need to be painted

~This is your life This dirt your floor
The sky and all it holds~ your ceiling
There is a well inside of you
Where her GENEROSITY flows freely
Carve out sacred space to be with Her
Learn by heart to sing her celestial music songs
Create in touch/word/paint/music/song/dance
Live your life with GENEROSITY

~Let us create in this gigantic
Cosmic Soup pot
Our part of what it means to live life fully
We are the sights textures smells and tastes
of her glorious GENEROSITY
The Spices and the Kintsugi Gold mending
this place
these people
to make us Whole

~With her elements of Earth Air Fire and Water
Let us create her GENEROSITY
Lordy and Big Mama are calling us
to be One Earth Mama and One Earth Papa
and create One Earth Family
Where there is Love and Truth and Beauty
How will I use discernment and grace
to create GENEROSITY for All
with my spices paint and song and dance?

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