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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Journal September 19 2009 Saturday

Gratitude and Ponderings
1- [inspired by Harmon Bro's
What is my intent
and direction?
2- If the way the universe was built
was a way of wise love and radiant creativity
what is the way of Holy Spirit
/the Divine?
3- I can call into being
my native psychic ability
to seek and find Holy Spirit
/the Divine.
4- I can become
the living spirit of God
and daily orient myself
by this lodestar.
5- I can look to see
to what I respond in others.
I can find that
what I weigh and measure
in others
or am drawn to,
is the standard actually
at work in my own soul.
If I see beauty
the beauty calls me;
if purity
if play
if patience
-each is nudging me
for decision
and action within.
If I see mostly evil
or selfishness
or betrayal
then I should know that my own soul
is holding me tightly to my own idea,
pressing me to it
until I change my ways
or broaden my idea.
If I find a new thing
a new hunger
a new longing
arising from my own soul
I can make it real.
I can bring my new treasure to life
by giving it away.
Money might not be buried,
but must be invested in life.
The Cayce readings said many times,
"If ye would have love,
give love;
if ye would have friends,
be friendly;
if ye would have mercy,
be merciful;
if ye would have beauty,
make your world beautiful
for others."
For this is a law,
not just a good thing,
but a law.
6- It is important
to think of ideals
in positive terms,
rather than negative.
Better to seek love
than to omit hating.
7- What would the Master do?
8- Stella Bennett's
#16 The Tower Card
tells me:
Liberarating myself
from old ways
and belief systems
will provide the path
to a higher place
within my spirit.
I need to let go of the past
and welcome
the new things
coming in.
Hanging on to old ideas
and goals
will only prevent me
from recognizing
new opportunities.
The card reversed
tells me:
Don't mourn the past.
Although what I consider
to be losses today
may bring me pain,
in the future
I will recognize these losses
as doorways to better things.
11- [inspired by Upper Room]
Do not be anxious about anything
but in everything,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
- Philippians 4:6
12- [from The Message Bible]
Don't fret or worry.
Instead of worrying, pray.
Let petitions and praises
shape your worries into prayers,
letting God know your concerns.
Before you know it,
a sense of God's wholeness,
everything coming together for good,
will come and settle you down.
It's wonderful when it happens
when it happens
when Christ displaces worry
at the center of your life.
- Philippians 4: 5-7
13- "Prayer is a powerful gift,
and yet we often fail to use it.
We let other priorities
crowd out time
with our Creator.
What a salute to God
when we,
together with thousands of others,
give thanks for the life given to us
We are thankful for God's love
God's spirit
God's healing hand
God's guiding light
and God's comforting grace."
-James H. Norman (Texas)
14- All over the world this day
people pray to God/Goddess
the Father
the Mother
Great Spirit
Creative Force
the Divine
and names I do not even know.
It is the same One Source of the Divine.
15- I pray for those
who feel they have
no one to pray for them
this day.
16- I laugh
I sing
I dance in joy!
17- I think perhaps
this great shift
we have in consciousness
is harder for civilized people
who hafta move from
me! me! me!
to us! us! us!
and the realization
we can't go home
as a planet
until we realize
we all hafta get in the boat
that sails home.
18- How can I open my eyes
to see glimpses of truth
this day?
19- What can my hands do this day
to build Heaven right here on Earth?
20- How can I wake up
to know my true nature
and see the Divine
in all of creation?
21- What tasks will come to me
this day
to joyfully do
in spirit
with love,
& laughter?
22- How am I living
my intention
for this week:
to live in gratitude
and surrender?
23- [inspired by Daily Word]
Am I in touch with
all of God's blessings?
Am I in touch with beauty?
Do I gaze in admiration
and give thanks for
God's ever-present grandeur
surrounding me?
24- [wriiten in my ESSENE BOOK OF DAYS]
today I will bring the spirit
of Abundance to my:
thanksgiving for the
abundance of grace and beauty
in my life
I awake full to the brim and
overflowing with joyful delight
the blessings of this day
pour over me like honey
Steve's here
bubbling over
with talk of his joys
being the admiral
Sarah-Star calls
bubbling over
with the bliss of blogging
and gratitude for making it home
safe and sound
after another week
of flying
as attendant
for Jet Blue
25- yesterday I started
a cycle of World Gratitude
@ www.worldgratitude.com/gblog
I am thankful I live in
a world of people
who live their lives
in a state of gratitude
26- I am thankful
Patrick Swayze
lived for a while in our world
with his cowboy's grit
and dancer's grace

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