It is hard to believe that our gypsy wagon
started out as a dream,
then it was just a black metal trailer.
Dale built a box on it.
He gave it its soul as a gypsy wagon.
Then we hauled it to south Alabama
from North Georgia.
awaiting Jay's finishing touches
before the roof man can fiberglass the roof.
One day soon we'll get to paint and decorate it.
Then we'll take it on the road
and travel wherever our hearts lead us.
We left the house this morning and went to visit Katy Spears alpaca farm close by.
It was enroute we heard about Lucas falling off a float in a parade last nite.
We saw cute baby alpacas with their faces that remind me of camels and their bodies that make them seem similar to llamas.
We saw them eat.
You can see them, too
This photo reminds us that Eli is Lucas' big brother.
Both Eli and Arianna can walk and run and move around.
They'll hafta watch Lucas be immobile while he is abed.
and spin it into thread.
His thread was thick and coarse.
He let me try and
I could sense
it would take practice
to learn how to feel
when to release.
The wife pedaled her spinning wheel
with her bare feet.
Her thread was thin and fine.
It came from a baby alpaca's
first shearing.
It felt so soft, like comfort, like home.
Afterwards we went to the Daphne Jubilee Art Festival.
Gratitude and Ponderings
1- [ Stella Bennett's #19- The Sun card
2- The sun represents the spirit
of who we are.
3- The rising sun over a marshy meadow
(the walk to the river in our backyard
is on a raised walkway
over a marshy bog)
brings the promise and hope
of a new day.
4- oh joy! i awake to a new day
full of adventures
-visiting Katie's alpaca farm
and maybe going to Daphne's
Jubilee Art Festival
5- (back to the card)
our red swans
are symbolic
of the purification
and cleansing
that we have gone through
on our journey.
The warm sun
brings comfort and healing
to the soul
of the weary traveler
as s/he refreshes her/himself
and prepares to take wing
on her/his next adventure.
In Native American symbology
the swans show a willingness
to accept who they are
and allow the Great Spirits
to transform them into
what they can become,
as they transformed
the ugly duckling into
the beautiful graceful swan.
The swan brings grace and beauty
into our lives as well as
the peace that comes from
being willing to turn our destiny
over to the creator.
MESSAGE: Your enthusiasm
will provide the warmth and light
needed to bring about the rebirth
of the spirit.
UPRIGHT MEANING: A very positive card.
Answer is yes in almost all situations.
Happiness, good health, secure relationships,
financial security, happy home.
Academic pursuits, especially favorable
in the areas of the sciences.
Inventers and inventions.
The sun can bring healing to any situation
or circumstance.
6- in one of the first stories
steve and i wove together
he was the unicorn
and i was the swan
and he would take me flying
in the magical moonlight.
on our flights we taught each other
the ways we looked at the world.
each nite we told the story
led us on Grand Adventures
soaring high in the sky
swapping stories that revealed
the language of our souls
7- i was up all nite til 7 am
this morning
exploring on the computer
8- first i wanted to find out
about Mary Ann Moore's
mapping your spiritual journey
9- then i fell into exploring
mind mapping
at the bequest of my life coach
Debbie Happy Cohen
10- I explored my hero
Jack Canfield's newsletter
11- found Adam Sicinski's
Study Matrix Mind Map showcase
12- then dicovered the very best of litemind
by Lucuiano Passuello
where I found a wealth
of info on mindmaps
and how to journal to the self
he thinks
like i look through a dictionary:
one word leads to another
and that word leads me
to 3 new words, etc, etc
14- finally i've begun
to sort through more teacher stuff
i'm blazing way
into my office-piano room
everywhere i look
there's more to do
-shelves by steve's desk
in the living room
-find the floor again
in the blue bedroom
-finish what Linda started
in the fictitious hot tub and sauna room
-clear off the balcony
-sort through paintings
file cabinets
and treasures/junk
we've accumulated
from mama and great aunt sal
- i spoze that when I have
finished all this
and have spare time
i should sort through
Christmas closet
old art stuff
and the mud room, too
of course, there's still
ARE stuff to pack up
no wonder
i've been avoiding
cleaning up
like the plague
-it just goes on and on
and seems neverending
-suzy homemaker
i am not
15- i miss the way Kim
would take treasures
and arrange them
into eye catching points
of focus
i wish i had a flare
for doing that
maybe then i'd feel rewarded
for all of the drudgery
of clearing out
and cleaning up
16- ah! new spaces
will allow places
to be new ways
we are growing
to be retired
17- and now here
late at nite
i pray a prayer
for our grandson Lucas
who last nite
was half run over
with a float
in a parade
they operated
late this afternoon
to fix his broken femur
and he'll be in cast
immobile for a while
18-but oh joy!
he is alive!
and none of his internal organs
are damaged
he was so brave
and did not cry
until right before
they were to operate
on him
he breathes!
he laughs!
oh! joy
and thanksgiving
for the blessings
of this day
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