My January 20, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Courage to
my promise within
~ What shines within me
What glimmer of light wants to
be called out this day?
~I slowly return
to the world of form wearing
the mantle I AM
~What expression of
Love will I be this day? What Light
will I shine today?
~How will I choose to
bring compassion into my
actions and doing?
~What can I do to
improve the situations
I come to be in?
~When I feel the pain
of others I respond with
mercy and help them
~Physical health helps
my emotional and my
spiritual health thrive
~ I envision my
life in a state of wholeness
a unique being
~I trust my inner
wisdom Healing unfolds as
I let Spirit lead
Sunday, July 31, 2016
My January 19, 2016 haikus
My January 19, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Joy to my
inner peace place
~Breathing in: Loving
God breathing out: You are with
us in our troubles
~I rest in faith I
seek to live my dharma by
following Spirit
~Spirit's wisdom comes
and speaks inside of me I
follow my guidance
~Spirit leads me to
release blames and pains toward
myself and others
~I live and move and
have my being in Divine's
pure Loving Presence
~Are you putting your
ear down close to your soul and
listening with care?
~In what ways can I
say yes to me this day and
take care of myself?
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Joy to my
inner peace place
~Breathing in: Loving
God breathing out: You are with
us in our troubles
~I rest in faith I
seek to live my dharma by
following Spirit
~Spirit's wisdom comes
and speaks inside of me I
follow my guidance
~Spirit leads me to
release blames and pains toward
myself and others
~I live and move and
have my being in Divine's
pure Loving Presence
~Are you putting your
ear down close to your soul and
listening with care?
~In what ways can I
say yes to me this day and
take care of myself?
There's something in the way she moves...
has been floating around in my head
so imagine my surprise when this morning in belly dance class
my teacher says:
To make snake arms
Pretend you are standing in a doorway
Hold paintbrushes in both your hands
Gracefully paint up one side
Gracefully paint down the other side of the doorframe
Here I stand in this portal's frame
I undulate my masculine and Feminine essence up and down the edges
as we await entering into Our Great Mother's KINdom
Here I pause
connecting with the shining jewels each one of you brings to offer her
What snake wisdom can I feel
in dancing my arms thisaway?
Why would anyone hold snakes and dance?
When I move snakelike belly to the ground
what earth wisdom do I receive?
All of my
Life has been about
delving deep
and being grounded here
Now at the portal doors
I fling my arms skyward
and ask:
What is it the Lady wants me to bring down to earth?
I bow at the doorway
touch my forehead to the ground
and beg entrance
I rise up dancing
I raise my trembling arms
and ask to be allowed time
to spend with her
in the rarefied air
that she has perfumed
with her flowers
I stompdance in the dirt outside her doorway
and await her invitation
to enter in
and dance with her in air
I gyrate my hips
so my hipscarf coins jingle
I place my hands in ways
that will be pleasing to her eyes
when she looks at me
I place my feet in beauty ways
that show I am willing
to surrender and gift all of me
to her in her sacred dance...
There's something in the way she moves
attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos
I don't wanna let her down
Something in the way she moves
or looks my way
or calls my name
She always comes and seems to help me
change my mind
And I feel fine anytime she's around me
She's around me almost all the time
And if I'm well you can tell she'a been with me
She's been with me now quite a long, long time
and I feel fine
Every now and then the things I lean on
lose their meaning
and I find myself careening
in the places where I should not let me go.
She has the power to go where no one else can find me
and to silently remind me
of the happiness
and the good times that I know
She says words mostly just to calm me down.
Something in the way she moves words
stir and mix together inside my body
and I begin to move in ways I hope
she will find pleasing
I lose myself
I find myself
in Her.
I don't want to leave her now
You know how I believe and how
Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me
I don't want to leave her now
How come I can be strong in what I stand up for
and yet so weak in the things I reach for?
I stand here in the doorway
learning how to dance snake arms
reaching my arms toward her...
has been floating around in my head
so imagine my surprise when this morning in belly dance class
my teacher says:
To make snake arms
Pretend you are standing in a doorway
Hold paintbrushes in both your hands
Gracefully paint up one side
Gracefully paint down the other side of the doorframe
Here I stand in this portal's frame
I undulate my masculine and Feminine essence up and down the edges
as we await entering into Our Great Mother's KINdom
Here I pause
connecting with the shining jewels each one of you brings to offer her
What snake wisdom can I feel
in dancing my arms thisaway?
Why would anyone hold snakes and dance?
When I move snakelike belly to the ground
what earth wisdom do I receive?
All of my
Life has been about
delving deep
and being grounded here
Now at the portal doors
I fling my arms skyward
and ask:
What is it the Lady wants me to bring down to earth?
I bow at the doorway
touch my forehead to the ground
and beg entrance
I rise up dancing
I raise my trembling arms
and ask to be allowed time
to spend with her
in the rarefied air
that she has perfumed
with her flowers
I stompdance in the dirt outside her doorway
and await her invitation
to enter in
and dance with her in air
I gyrate my hips
so my hipscarf coins jingle
I place my hands in ways
that will be pleasing to her eyes
when she looks at me
I place my feet in beauty ways
that show I am willing
to surrender and gift all of me
to her in her sacred dance...
There's something in the way she moves
attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos
I don't wanna let her down
Something in the way she moves
or looks my way
or calls my name
She always comes and seems to help me
change my mind
And I feel fine anytime she's around me
She's around me almost all the time
And if I'm well you can tell she'a been with me
She's been with me now quite a long, long time
and I feel fine
Every now and then the things I lean on
lose their meaning
and I find myself careening
in the places where I should not let me go.
She has the power to go where no one else can find me
and to silently remind me
of the happiness
and the good times that I know
She says words mostly just to calm me down.
Something in the way she moves words
stir and mix together inside my body
and I begin to move in ways I hope
she will find pleasing
I lose myself
I find myself
in Her.
I don't want to leave her now
You know how I believe and how
Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me
I don't want to leave her now
How come I can be strong in what I stand up for
and yet so weak in the things I reach for?
I stand here in the doorway
learning how to dance snake arms
reaching my arms toward her...
January 18, 2016 VEILS AND BUTTS
Thoughts from my morning yoga class
/Awareness is not commentary (/criticism)
There is an Ah~ha moment when my eyes are closed and my mind shifts from thinking veils of separation were set in place by creator
to sensing the veil of my unbraided hair
and following it up to my skull
and realizing sometimes the veil with the illusion of separation is simply the thoughts in my head
Removing that veil for a moment in yoga brings bliss and ecstasy
Then we are told to be mindful we are sitting on our butts
and my Eureka! flows right into knowing:
Many times it is my Buts...
that keep me from being present in spirit in this moment
The times the Powers That Be send messages to me
But I make all sortsa I'm busy sounds
Or times I close up shop for being here now by shooting forward into the future or backward into the past
In yoga this morning
My thoughts about VEILS AND BUTTS
sat me right there on my BUTT realizing sometimes it is me and my thoughts inside my head that keep me from Being in the Bliss of each moment
My Buts faded away
I was able to sit mindful on my Butt and simply be...
/Awareness is not commentary (/criticism)
There is an Ah~ha moment when my eyes are closed and my mind shifts from thinking veils of separation were set in place by creator
to sensing the veil of my unbraided hair
and following it up to my skull
and realizing sometimes the veil with the illusion of separation is simply the thoughts in my head
Removing that veil for a moment in yoga brings bliss and ecstasy
Then we are told to be mindful we are sitting on our butts
and my Eureka! flows right into knowing:
Many times it is my Buts...
that keep me from being present in spirit in this moment
The times the Powers That Be send messages to me
But I make all sortsa I'm busy sounds
Or times I close up shop for being here now by shooting forward into the future or backward into the past
In yoga this morning
My thoughts about VEILS AND BUTTS
sat me right there on my BUTT realizing sometimes it is me and my thoughts inside my head that keep me from Being in the Bliss of each moment
My Buts faded away
I was able to sit mindful on my Butt and simply be...
My January 18, 2016 haikus
My January 18, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Honesty
to my Thanks~giving
~We are free! We can
connect with our deepest self
Spirit flows through us
~We release the old
Open the way for new growth
and self~expression
~What new insights and
ideas are blossoming in
me as my true self?
~Today let's commit
to living and expressing
from spiritual core
~Let new things spring forth
as we celebrate being
free together here...
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Honesty
to my Thanks~giving
~We are free! We can
connect with our deepest self
Spirit flows through us
~We release the old
Open the way for new growth
and self~expression
~What new insights and
ideas are blossoming in
me as my true self?
~Today let's commit
to living and expressing
from spiritual core
~Let new things spring forth
as we celebrate being
free together here...
My January 17, 2016 haikus
My January 17, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Calmness to
my little earth patch
~The source of inner
creativity nurtured
in me rises up
~Light radiates out
from Mother's gifts of life~force
Dawn regenerates
~What gifts of love can
I give with my actions? What
Grace can I pass on?
~What truth principles
do I study and apply
[Dunamis = miraculous power]
~What am I doing
with spiritual power to
express the Divine?
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Calmness to
my little earth patch
~The source of inner
creativity nurtured
in me rises up
~Light radiates out
from Mother's gifts of life~force
Dawn regenerates
~What gifts of love can
I give with my actions? What
Grace can I pass on?
~What truth principles
do I study and apply
[Dunamis = miraculous power]
~What am I doing
with spiritual power to
express the Divine?
My January 16, 2016 haikus
My January 16, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Giving to
my Earthy Mother
~My gratitude for
her wisdom will become part
of my unfolding
~I can ask myself
Yeah But So What when I am
called to do something
~True freedom comes when
my actions are aligned in
my highest values
~When I listen to
the Divine I receive sweet
honey from the rock
~When in darkness know
we will emerge into the
light of a new day
~What family values
can bring us all together
in lovingkindness?
~Divine love comforts
Brings Healing energy through
us to those in pain
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Giving to
my Earthy Mother
~My gratitude for
her wisdom will become part
of my unfolding
~I can ask myself
Yeah But So What when I am
called to do something
~True freedom comes when
my actions are aligned in
my highest values
~When I listen to
the Divine I receive sweet
honey from the rock
~When in darkness know
we will emerge into the
light of a new day
~What family values
can bring us all together
in lovingkindness?
~Divine love comforts
Brings Healing energy through
us to those in pain
Saturday, July 30, 2016
My January 15, 2016 haikus
My January 15, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Newness to
my womb place pushing
~ Out of still points in
prayers and meditation
I draw new life's breaths
~No matter how deep
the darkness God always brings
the light into life
~Wherever I go
I have angels, guardians
and guides to lead me
~Let me give comfort
and hold hands with whoever I find
frightened and alone
~ How can I return
the Light I have received to
those in need of Light?
~my Spirit soars with
a surge of purpose as I
give ongoing love
~I align myself
with the all~good ev'ry where
present God wisdom
~I am living on
a foundation of faith
Am I flowing love?
~I've been gifted life
and divine energy What
am I doing with it?
~Today I will bring
the spirit of Newness to
my womb place pushing
~ Out of still points in
prayers and meditation
I draw new life's breaths
~No matter how deep
the darkness God always brings
the light into life
~Wherever I go
I have angels, guardians
and guides to lead me
~Let me give comfort
and hold hands with whoever I find
frightened and alone
~ How can I return
the Light I have received to
those in need of Light?
~my Spirit soars with
a surge of purpose as I
give ongoing love
~I align myself
with the all~good ev'ry where
present God wisdom
~I am living on
a foundation of faith
Am I flowing love?
~I've been gifted life
and divine energy What
am I doing with it?
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