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February 19, 2016 Poem prayer upon awakening

February 19, 2016 at 9:45am

Poem prayer upon awakening 2-19-16

Dear Lady~
I spend so much time
filling up
This morning I awaken
and beg you to empty me
Strip me bare to the bone
Take off the fluff
Tear out each rut in me
that's muscle~memory
of pains and sorrows
this body of mine
has suffered through
Send your winds of truth
through every fairy tale story
of Happy Ever After
I've been told to believe in
Use the sands of your deserts
and beaches
every drop of water
from your waterfalls
and the waves along your
to carve away
this rock hardness
that entombed me
as an encrusted zombie
One of the walking dead
Awaken me from my sleeping
Split me wide open
Reveal the sacred seed
the Divine Spark
the one true thing
in me
that is worthy of
your Mother~spit
Pluck the one true kernel
in me that is worth saving
and place me in your mouth
Roll me around with
your tongue
Mix your saliva
Your saving grace
a bit of your life blood
from where your teeth
have bitten the inside
of your cheek
with this tiny little
seed of spark
that I AM
Stir me with the life force
from your heart and soul
Roll me across the meadows
of your mind
Swallow me
and take me down into
the darkness of your womb
a Divine Seed
nurtured and nourished
Woven with the strands
of light and darkness
that are the web
the matrix that holds
the All That Is together
Unravel me
until I am nothing more
or less
than the one red thread
that runs so true in me
Make me in tune and harmony
with the Creatrix Song
you sing in your heart of hearts
Carve me away from the rock hard
encrusted places
that cling to me
Rip and tear from me
every veil of deception
and lies and false advertisements
Make me naked
Stript of even the bones
that I thought necessary
for me to stand up
and dance
Mush and smush me
with your pestle
in your mortar bowl
until I am
the pure essence
of your natural
wild elements
the ones that make me be
in relation
to trees
and flowers
and otters
Burn me in your holy fires
and cook me
until the bread of my being
is baked just right
and to your liking
then spit me out
between the pillars
of your strong legs
that walk your intentions
into our world
Birth me with Wild Delight
into the fabric
that is part of
the tapestry
that is this day
Make me come into it
I am
a sparkling
of all your Beauty
Smooth off
all of my rough edges
so I will fit perfectly
into the places
you and I have created
for me to be in
Let me squeal
with Wild Delight
as I slide down the tunnel
and spill out into
the light of this new day
Let these wild friends
in this wild tribe
be witness
to my coming out
into this day
Consecrated bread
to feed the hungry
Let me be wordsmithed
to be your outrageous poem
Let me be unreasonable
crazy strange
wild in the ways of your
awe and wonder
Let me throw out what's
and be passionately devoted
to you
Woman of the Wild
who is my Mother
Let me reveal the Revelations
that are ripe and ready
to be revealed
Make me your glittering
spiritual midwife
catalyst for change
conjuring up
alchemical magic
and newly made fresh
ways of being
in this world
Birth me into this day
ready to offer
my sacred listening ears
and helping hands
to aid and assist others
as they dance
on their paths
with heart

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