Art Journal painting of the Rosalinda Hawthorne Tree I recently planted
Note Havi asked us to draw symbols in the roots for the new things coming into my life
Since I don't know for sure what they might be
I drew shaman/shawoman holes
/rabbit holes like Alice fell into to get to Wonderland
Who knows where this journey will lead us?
Here on the Birthday of the Trees day~ I open myself to whatever expressions of the Divine want to flow through the Cathedral of my heart. Fill me with the Language of Light and empower me to flow Love into this world in the ways that I am created to use the Powers That be for the Highest Good of All. Surprise me! And let me always keep my heart open to Truths, Love and Beauty...

My January 22, 2016 haikus
~Today I will bring
the Spirit of Newness to
my stirring hope seeds
~Shamanic holes of
new possibities are
growing in my roots
~Rabbit holes of
novel wonderlands await
my falling into
~In places I have
yet to even imagine
I will be dancing
~Dancing is in my
blood and will come out of me
wherever I grow
~Today I will give
thanks for the blessings I've been
given to live with
~Ev'ry day my bread
has been daily given My
cup run neath over
~I trust in my heart
that I will be given all
that is mine to have
~I appreciate
each moment and live in the
now O precious Joy!
~Even challenges
are exquisite gifts that
prove I am alive
~I feel the power
and vitality of life
in and around me
~There is ecstasy
in knowing I am one with
All and the Divine
~In sanctuary
I find peace at the center
of my being now
~The Presence within
guides and inspires me I
am fully alive
~Hope and now all is
well and my heart is filled with
Wild Delight and Joy
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